Ending *Spoilers*

I haven't seen this in a while, so sorry if my facts are mixed up, but I remember Victor's death looking really fake. I remember the shot and John's reaction time being way off, making it look rediculous.

I also didn't like him narrating his own death. I think they could have done what Layer Cake did and have him narrating up to the point of his death.

The working man is tough.
Your father's the tough guy! - A Bronx Tale


I liked this movie, above all because of that ending.

I thought him narrating his death was exellent - it would have been kind of mean towards the audience to just cut everything off when he gets shot. This way it made you think.

Just my opinion.


Him narrating his own death reminded of Kevin Spacey narrating his death in American Beauty. So I didn't find it odd or stupid at all that John Leguizamo was narrating his death in this movie. He's saying how the consequences of his actions caught up to him and that he deserved his fate. It just sucks that Carmen never got to see him again and that he never got to his new born baby boy


the bullet travels 1000 times faster than the human body and the nerves. so he got shot it would have passed so quickly the reaction would of looked slowly


would HAVE, not would OF.


Famous Quotes:
"Eep" - Ethan - I am Legend - 2007


well you know the whole saying of your life flashes before your eyes before you die.. well maybe thats what this is.. lol.
