Anyone notice???

When Vic is in Miami and finds "Jack" he says "come on Jack, if that is your name." He replies, "I'm not telling you my ****ing name".....But when Vic first arrives in Miami he calls "Jack's" mom and says "Hi I'm a friend of Jack's..." I would think she'd be like who the hell is Jack? Yet, she says "sure I'll get you his number" I didnt even notice until about the 5th or 6th time I've watched it. Just thought it was kinda weird that they missed that...and if "Jack" was scamming vic the whole time, why the hell would he have given him his mom's number???



Watch the deleted scenes, it kind of explains it.


It would seem to me that Jack would pick up on the fact that Victor was not sure what his real name was and capitolize on it to make him beleive that Jack was not his real name. Jack had no idea how Victor found him, and would just be reacting to Victor's line of thinking in order to give him an advantage if he did manage to talk his way out of the situation. It also plays into the whole idea that Jack thinks he is smarter than Victor. If he thinks his intended victim is stupid ghetto trash, then he wouldn't bother to do things like give a fake name.


as someone stated, it was explained in the deleted scenes. (they cut out alot of impoirtant material.) vic called jack when he was in miami, and jack's cell phone reception was poor, so he called back from his mom's landline phone. that's how vic got the number. as soon as jack got off the phone, he realized his mistake, and tried to convince his mom to move with him to the new condo (so vic wouldn't find her)...

i agree with the above poster about the really was jack's name, he was just trying to play vic into thinking he was smarter than him...


the common theme in this board is that this DEFINITE goof is explained in the deleted scenes.....well IF that is the case, that doesn't change the fact that that aspect of the movie was either poorly shot or edited...

only what is in b/w the opening and closing credits is the film, 'the world' if you will...

deleted scenes are nice to see but they are not the movie....

it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it
