MovieChat Forums > Session 9 (2001) Discussion > 'I live in the weak and the wounded.'

'I live in the weak and the wounded.'

Creepiest line of the entire movie, and arguably, one of the scariest messages I've ever seen in a horror movie: that we are all weak and wounded (at least at some point), and thus are all capable of evil. A+

Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to, I will.


I have been saying what you stated for years. There are some lines in movies that just stick with you and are iconic. This would be one of them. And what makes it so creepy for me is the fact that the statement could be talking about anyone and everyone. We all have the potential for mental illness.



Funny, because I think its clearly a statement TOWARDS the fact that its about haunting and I can't see how you could believe this statement is anything but that.


Very well said!
Although I can see the controversy go on and on for years...
You just can't stop people believing what they want to believe.


To think it implies the opposite is a big stretch, but it definitely leaves open that the personality could be aware that it is the personification of insanity, human instinct, in a way. Saying it's a demonic possession feels a little cheap, and while definitely plausible, I wouldn't say it's the only option.

"If I don't understand it, it's a plot-hole!"
-Typical Reviewer


@ dirtydingusmagee123

Because not everyone is religious and superstitious like you are.


Or as close-minded and afraid of the unknown as you are.


Not everyone is as closed minded and arrogant to think only what we see exists like you.



But, of course, you need a basic knowledge of psychology to know the main cause or source of DID.
Mental,sexual or other kind of physical ABUSE!!! That is why they are wounded..And weak, because this ''Simon'' like personality always steps in to defend the original personality abused.

But of course...the brainwashed generation likes the X Files style way better.

I just can't believe there is an actual argument about this being supernatural or not.


Yeah, you're so smart! *rolls eyes*

There's plenty of evidence for demonic possession here. The fact it's tied in with MPD makes it more interesting than it otherwise would be. But we have no knowledge of Gorden being abused. In fact, the film states HE'S ALWAYS BEEN EXTREMELY CALM. With no apparent prior history of MPD, etc.

You can pretend if you want there's no supernatural element here. The story arguably still works without one. But the filmmaker clearly intended that to be a theme, even if an ambiguous one.

(Ever think that maybe those people competely closed to non-obvious, non-superficial, non-materialistic explanations might be the brainwashed ones?)


Of course, students of psychology are brainwashed while ghost busters are true geniuses who saw what no one of us couldn't.

The fact there is nothing outside this world in this movie makes it so good.

With ghost story, it is just another - well, ghost story.


With all due respect, you have to be pretty close-minded (i.e. "brainwashed")to ignore the obvious clues to demonic possesion here. Most people do see them.

What makes it a superior story than most stories about mental illness or demonic possession is that it combines both elements. And keeps us guessing. (At least those of us with some imagination and perceptive capability.)

In a similar vein, I once met a guy who studied hotel management, and claimed "The Shining" was about nothing more than the adverse effects of running an off-season hotel too long by oneself.


Zando, this new anti theistic psuedo science is driven by politics. No actual scientific thinking person would be hostile towards the idea that there may be enities and energies we cannot detect.


But, of course, you need a basic knowledge of psychology to know the main cause or source of DID.

The "Simon Doll" was a popular toy sold at the time. It's the doll Mary fell on. This particular toy was eventually recalled because its soul jumped into you and took over.


I couldn't agree more. It's rare that a horror movie actually says or does something profound that blows you away. This does it with such a simple concept. There's a natural defense mechanism built into all humans which can sometimes rear it's ugly head in the right individuals under the right conditions. Susceptible people in extreme pressure can rationalize these dark acts as an excuse to protect themselves, lashing out at anybody they think is a threat to them.


a couple years after watching this film I come back here to learn more about the film, i'm shocked someone else finds this line significant, it's stuck with me for a long time, i'm not sure why. once every blue moon it pops into my head for some reason. what really does live within the weak & the wounded. there's nothing symbolic or relative to a parasitic evil in my life so i'm quizzified as to why it's stuck with me, which is a bit ironic really, i've just wondered if such a quote that is imbedded into your subconscious could let you know at a moment in your life that you could be vulnerable to harm or danger because of your own misguided actions.

you're right op it's a fascinating quote. i'm actually almost convinced simon is inside me. o_o




It is a fantastic and powerful line.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Very chilling line indeed.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!



Bruce Campbell, weak and wounded? I *beep* doubt it.
