Definitely not a 7.8

Just watched this film. Wasn't that great, so why all the love? There are so many other, better political/military films out there that aren't so overladen with melodrama (Most notably the Tom Clancy adaptions). The director probably just watched a bit too much JAG. Acting on the most part was decent, OK plot that could have been handled slightly better, some contrived scenarios. Such as how at every chance he can get, the director shoves in ANOTHER history lesson, usually in the form of the laughable Swiss guy monologuing to the female lead. Surely she's qualified and knows about the history and situation at hand? So why treat her character and by extension, the viewing audience as idiots? This is the same problem that plagued The Da Vinci Code, the characters kept explaining to each other what was going on (To let the audience keep up), but the handling of this in both films is just awkward and flawed.

I get the impression the director was trying way too hard to make this some conflicted N vs S story. Making a film that’s set in the backdrop of war that delves into the human aspect of it, is nothing special nor original. And if you want political movies, A Few Good Men is just one film off the top of my head that is much more deftly-handled.

One thing that bugged me was the main female lead. Her accent was horrible. Of course, you might say it's no biggie. But she's supposed to be some highly trained, professional Swiss diplomat who should be used to doing this sort of thing, travelling to all the world hotspots. Frankly, I think it is a big deal when you have a supposedly Swiss woman who isn't supposed to speak Korean well deliver hobbled English dialogue but sounds really fluent in Korean. How am I really supposed to take this seriously when the core protagonist isn’t even believable? And another thing I find weird is that her character's supposed to be Eurasian, again no sign of that. A last complaint about her was that she was decidedly unfit-looking, am I to really suspect she's some highly trained Swiss soldier? Like where she does a 10 second jog with some US Soldiers. It seemed too contrived and forced. And don't give me this "She’s pretty good at English considering… etc etc!" rubbish. That's no excuse. If she can’t handle the dialogue, they could have easily found another. For every actor on screen, I’m sure there’s dozens of others who’d give an arm and leg to take their place.

The amount of JSA love on imdb is in my opinion, unwarranted and I can tell I'm going to cop a lot of flak about this, regardless. So let me just remind you, that this is just my opinion. Don't bring your needless flaming here, saying I'm some hater, some uncultured hack etc. Because I assure you, I've watched hundreds of films from plenty of different genres and know what I’m talking about. My philosophy is that there are countless movies out there begging to be watched, so whenever one film has presents a flaw, it makes a million others look all the more viable. While this is by no means a bad film, there are plenty of others I’d rather be watching and when the inevitably remake is going to be released, I'll guarantee it'll become the better film (Not that elitist purists will care).


I found the 7.8 rating too high myself. I expected more from this film.


No reply.

Finish the movie quiz!New clues!


It got a lot of love because opinions differ from yours. Yes it really is that simple. People like it, and people don't, it's just how it happens.



I took the logical inconsistencies of her character to be surrealist elements that Park uses to place the audience as outsiders and thus be more analytical of the story, a story that inevitably leads to the conclusion that our own nationalism is the evil.

Our being Korean so...some of that is lost when this film is watched outside of its' original culture.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


This was a film that delved much deeper than political blasphemy.

It was a tale of friendship, compassion and of course betrayal.

The development of the characters was absolutely captivating.


Agree. I gave it a 10 myself. This film is so much more than a Clancy movie


I agree too. I gave it a 4 myself.


After reading your post it seems like your main problem is the main actress since you've devoted most of your writing on her. Well, I do agree that she was a bad choice for the movie. But I don't know why you would think the movie was bad based on her accent. Would you say Memoirs of a Geisha was bad because the Chinese accents were horrible? Sure, it might take you out of the moment if you do notice it, but you need to understand that the film was meant to be for the Korean audience, so they probably didn't mind. I see countless films made in the US with terrible foreign language imitations but this should only count as a small flaw. In fact, if the Swedish actors and Lee were replaced I would have given the film a 10/10 instead of the 9/10 I gave. Chan Wook Park was an unknown when he made this film and with very limited budget I think he did an awesome job. I'm not sure how you think that she could have been easily replaceable, as most Koreans have terrible accents. I really can't think of any Korean actress that can speak perfect English. I agree that she should have been replaced because shes not very fit etc, but shes really only a small side character, helping the plot along, not necessarily a part of it.

Yes, the concept of the film itself isn't that unique. Joyeux Noel comes to mind where enemies stopped shooting and celebrating on Christmas. Not all great films are unique in its story line. Take Shawshank Redemption, a prison break? Not very original, but the execution, acting, etc makes it a great film. Of course, being original does help.

Overall, I think you were just expecting the wrong kind of film. This film is first and foremost a drama, not political, crime or military necessarily. Its too bad because it really is an excellent melodrama (the thing you didn't want in the film even though its the main theme of the movie - you wouldn't go see a chick flick thinking there should be less love stories would you?). Anyways, I hope you don't find any offense in this reply as I'm just a little disappointed that you couldn't enjoy the film as much as I did. But alas, I cannot make you like the film and your opinion is your opinion as it is with mine. Happy Thanksgiving!


"I really can't think of any Korean actress that can speak perfect English."

- Sun from Lost.


Ah, I forgot about her. My point was that I couldn't think of many off the top of my head at the time of writing my post. I wasn't saying that all of them are bad at English. Although, I am looking forward to Rain's performance in Ninja Assassin. Last time I heard his interview he didn't seem that bad.


I just watched this movie a second time and it was even better than the first, at which point in time I would have given the movie a 9. Does that mean the second viewing was a 10? Well... I wouldn't go that far but I feel more strongly about my original rating now. This was really a great movie.
Dyin' aint much of a livin', boy.


I'm not saying I disagree with you- but I'm always wary of people who say things like

''believe me I've seen hundreds of films from plenty of different genres and I know what I'm talking about!''

If you have something interesting and intelligent to say you're post should speak for itself- I'll be the judge of whether you know what you're talking about or not thanks!


Basically your opinion is made irrelevant by

1. Invoking Tom Clancy
2. Any association between this film and Da Vinci Code
3. The predictable "bla bla bla don't hate on my opinion" *beep*
4. Thinking the N/S Korean conflict is at all comparable to any other political situation

Your actual points are somewhat more plausible, but wasn't this the director's first movie? How easy is it to find a native-born Korean woman who speaks fluent English, Swiss-German, and Korean with a Swiss accent?

What I enjoyed mostly in the movie was the severe tension between humane comedy and psychological extreme. Where else can you find this space so illuminated but in the films of Chan-wook Park? God bless this director!


What I enjoyed mostly in the movie was the severe tension between humane comedy and psychological extreme.

So did I.

But if it wasn't for that the movie would have been a total disaster.
