
Bien... le film est divertissant, mais on en ressort avec tout de même quelquechose à travers la gorge.. Il est intéressant de faire passer ses idées anti-capitalistes, mais j'ai comme l'impression d'avoir vu rouge, trop rouge. Anti-mondialisme oui, anti-capitalisme soit, mais bolchoï non.


Je conviens, le film est trop vrai et reel. Surtout avec les dernier evenements economique sous l'administration Bush aux Etats-Unis et le plus haut croissance des chomeurs. Mon emploi ancien a envoye' a l'Inde et moi meme a ete un chomeur. Ne pas divertissement. Heureusement, j'ai trouve' un autre emploi apres 5 mois!!! Mais aussi, le film touche' le fait que Stephan a cherche' pour quelque-chose qu'il a adore' comme le musique ou le filmmakeing.

Excusez mon Franglais. ; P Je veut poser un question, le "user comment" a dit que "Le moitie' gauche du Frigo" a montre' en France avec les sous-titres en Francais? Pour-quoi? Le Francais Quebecois est tres different que le Francais Parisien?


Well, maybe, but how different can it be?


One of my co-workers is a French speaker from New Brunswick, Canada and said that French Canadians are able to understand Parisian French but, oftentimes; people in France have difficulty understanding the dialect spoken in Quebec. There are a lot of different slang terms and differences. For example, in Parisian French, les gosses= kids but in Quebecois, it is slang for, uh, let's say the family jewels. Another is ton ton, which means uncle in Parisian but in Quebecois means nipple or tit. The need for subtitles comes from the fact that in the past the French Canadian film industry did not export very many productions across the pond. With English language productions, American movies, TV shows and musichave been very prominent in English speaking countries and others as well. This is very much like an average American not understanding a Scotsman speaking with a broad Glaswegian accent. The movie, "Sweet Sixteen" was released with subtitles although the characters were speaking Scots-English. However, with critically acclaimed films like "Les Invasions Barbares" and "Le Grand Seduction," this has changed in France and posters on message boards seem charmed by the distinctiveness of the Quebecois accent and dialect. Of course, news announcers and reporters speak in a very standard form of the language like English speakers. With a more open cultural exchange between the 2 French speaking countries, the French will become more familiar with Quebecois French.


Comme la situation a changé. Aujourd'hui les employeurs s'arrachent les employés.

Par contre le problème de Christophe dans le film est qu'il cherchait un emploi parfait pour lui plutôt que de simplement prendre ce qui passe en attendant. Quitter son emploi avant d'en avoir trouvé un autre était aussi son erreur.
