MovieChat Forums > Vanilla Sky (2001) Discussion > Re; Brian obviously did tell Julie.........

Re; Brian obviously did tell Julie.......

.....that she was David *beep* buddy!. Know its not really a big thing. But he acted so outraged when David asks him about it and says '......I didn't even talk to her....' which we all saw he did. Think his very aggressive reaction was probably more out of guilt. Where else would she have got that information?

Rodney!! Take your leg out of that dogs mouth!!!!


I completely agree. He is responsible for car accident.


More than likely - however the Brian we see reacting to David didn't exist. His reaction is simply a manifestation from David's dream/nightmare.

His reaction that we see is irrelevant to the reality of what happened, although it does seem likely he mentioned to Julie the *beep* buddy thing. The fact she said it to David in the car would suggest so.


The Brian that had that conversation with David did exist. They talked right after the nightclub, by then David was not dreaming yet.
And you can tell Brian was lying when he denies talking to Julie. He says "I never talked to her!" then we see him think for a second, like "Or maybe did I?". It's a very blink and you'll miss kind of thing, I didn't notice the first time I saw the film.


Hey - yes you're right!

Just watched it again and I was mixing the post nightclub scene up with the scene after David was released from the police station and had his confrontation with Brian.


You're totally right, just after he said "I never talked to her!"

He's breaking eye contact with David and looks down, like "oh *beep* I talked to her, I was drunk I said she was his *beep*-buddy", and then try to hide it by making eye-contact again with David.

I never saw that before, but it lasts for 1/2 to 1 sec in fact, shame on me for not seeing that.


Hm. Well, I think crazy Julie was responsible for the car accident, myself. She could have simply broken up with him, like a normal (not insane) girlfriend would have done, maybe after yelling a lot of obscenities at him, or as an extreme reaction, keying his car. Julie driving him off a bridge at 80mph goes somewhat beyond anything we can really blame BRIAN for, don't you think?

Coulson has a plan.


Julie driving him off a bridge at 80mph goes somewhat beyond anything we can really blame BRIAN for, don't you think?

Absolutely. David stole the date Brian took to his party, I say Brian was right to be angry and bitter. Plus he could never anticipate Julie's crazy reaction.


Think his very aggressive reaction was probably more out of guilt.


His reaction was one of guilt and realization.

He was a true friend . . a true friend that in bitterness, drunkenness and depression at a party that saw his best friend blatantly steal his date and potential soul mate away from him . . blurted out a harmful truth that more or less led to a fateful car crash.
