MovieChat Forums > Vanilla Sky (2001) Discussion > Who was the infomercial interviewer? (No...

Who was the infomercial interviewer? (Not Conan O'Brien).

This is bugging me. I recognise the guy who plays the interviewer in the cryogenics infomercial. The one that is on the TV when David is in Sofia's room, and again when he sees the television in the prison guard's room.

The second time we hear about Benny the dog is the interview with Conan O'Brien. I'm referring to the first and third times. I can't find anything in the credits.

From the script:

And to those who think that you're
a charlatan?

I understand. The perception of a
head frozen somewhere waiting for
reanimation - it sounds like
science fiction.

(This second part was repeated on the television in the Guard's room.)

Can you unfreeze a human life?

Take the case of Benny the dog.
Benny is a dog who was frozen for
three months, and thawed out to
live a normal life.


Pretty sure it was Mark Pinter.


Thanks. That would be him!

Now, to go back into the recesses of my mind and work out which of his 1970s or 80s shows I saw when I was a child. This scene in Vanilla Sky has triggered some childhood memory.

Or I could just let it go. It's not the most important thing in the world, but it has been bugging me.


That's happened to me too many times- I see some actor in something and I know I've seen them before... I go down the list of everything they've ever been in and nothing looks familiar. Drives me nuts!


Druff, I recently had the same thing happen to me (and it drove me just as crazy...!): I recognized Nick Robinson, from "Jurassic World", but I could not for the life of me remember where I knew him from. The only thing in his IMDb filmography I had seen was JW. I finally posted on his message boards, asking fellow IMDb users for help, and someone said he had been in commercials for Cox Cable a couple of years ago. And that's exactly where I had seen him. I could finally get some sleep! Hehe...just kidding...
