Why did David get in the car with Julie after spending the night with Sofia? That always bothered me. I always thought it was because he wanted to have sex with Julie. She implied it ("You want to make it up to me? I won't tell a soul.") Their relationship was based on sex, and he had that sort of sleezy look on his face. I was surprised and annoyed because he seemed so happy and different when he left Sofia's place that morning.
"I can't buy a pack of smokes without running into nine guys you f8cked!- The Boondock Saints
Yes David got into the car with Julie for a quick romp. He was employing the pleasure delayer tactic with Sofia so there was no hurry there, Julie was nothing more than a convenient release valve.
I'd say he got into the car because he felt no reason not to, and it's not his style to engage in what would obviously have become a scene where she keeps pestering him to get into the car and telling him he's a freak for refusing. I really really don't think he had sex on his mind when he got in. Not with her, at least. He'd already moved on. And she knew it. That was the whole point.
Hmmmmm . . . ok, how about this: go back and listen carefully to what Julie says to David as he is about to leave in his OWN car then tell me if you think your interpretation still holds up.
Well here's my take. Julie barged in on a party where she wasn't invited, she physically sat in her car (presumably all night) stalking David, she immediately asks about his new love interest (gets personal about it too), cringes when David refers to her as a friend (with Brain's "f buddy" comment fresh in her mind), then . . . as David is about to get into his car to blow her off, she uses the word "friend" to disarm him and give him pause. Finally an apology and an offer to "make it up to him." How is she going to make it up to him? By taking a nice drive around town? Their relationship was built around nothing more than casual sex, what else could she possibly be offering?
To think that self centered David would get into the car as a courtesy isn't believable at all to me, he sure hadn't been courteous to anyone up to that point, save to suit his own needs.
Patronizing someone isn't being courteous at all. It's more like passive/aggression. It was obvious Julie was going to become a jealous superpest, and he just wanted to get the situation over with. It wasn't about what she was offering or what she intended.
No problem. We have different interpretations of a scene in a film we both enjoy. It is interesting to hear a different interpretation actually, oftentimes it broadens perspectives.
Ever mistake the lyrics to a song only to find you preferred your mistaken lyrics to that of the artist? I know I have.
Hint: If you prefer your lyrics to this particular song stay away from the directors commentary.
I was going purely on my own interpretation of the scene. If someone involved in the making of has said anything definitive about it, you might have mentioned that sooner. Jerk. =P
lol . .. well to be honest it was an afterthought.
I must have seen the film a dozen times before I got around to the directors commentary, and i only listened to it once. . . . quite some time ago.
I think I initially had the same interpretation you did, then after a few viewings I came to my current interpretation . . . then I got to the director's commentary and that was that.
I don't do director's commentary often, in this case, I mainly got to it because I wanted to hear what was said about the most curious scene in the film: Brian's reaction to David outside of the club.
Unfortunately, there was no insight provided, Crowe and Tom yak away on the phone during that scene and I came up empty.
Mostly correct, particularly David's use of 'friend' towards her multiple times, seeming to set her off.
However, Julie guilted David into getting in the car; she didn't say she wanted to "make it up to him"...what she said was: she felt crappy about not being invited to his birthday party after having missed an audition, she told him he's never there for his friends until they've given up on him, and then she says "you want to make it up to me? I won't tell a soul"
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
I don't believe that David got in the car for sex, I believe that he got in the car to try and smooth things out, to end things as peaceably as possible with Julie as he felt bad for the way he had treated her.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible - Audrey Hepburn
Exactly my thought... U could tell it really bothered him when she brought up the "delayed pleasure release" thing... He felt obligated to talk to her, calm her down, and hopefully end their relationship completely and civilly. But uh yea she went *beep* like 5 minutes later
That's true. I do remember her saying that. But still- clearly he realized she was a psycho and clearly wanted to get rid of her to bang Penelope cruz. It could go either way- maybe that offer gave him sympathy to properly break up with her - maybe he's a sex addict. Personally that would've made me feel pretty guilty and is want to talk it through with her once and for all. U dig?
I think he understood she was offering sex, but HE wasn't intending on actually taking up the offer. She was meaning sex. Or, actually getting him in the car to yell at him and kill them both. But, he understood she meant sex, but was a cocky guy who was a in a mushy more positive mood who knew waht he wanted, realized she was a stalker and could potentially ruin things for him and Sofia, and got in the car making her think she could make it up to him with sex but was probably just going to try talk to her and smooth things over as best he could and try get her to understand. Apologize for her being called a sex buddy. When he gets in the car, did either one of them even talk about where theyd go to have sex? No. She was trying to start the convo she really wanted to have, and he was being polite, thinking about the convo he really wanted to have, but he had just had the best night of his life with the first girl he fell in love with and was on his way to work, and prob didnt even want to have sex considering he was over this chick in most ways, could have had sex with her at the party and said no, had already had tons of sex with ehr and was doing the "delay factor" which...even if not with Sofia still would kinda ruin the delay factor effect by having any kind of sex, but essp with someone he was already done with.
I get what youre saying, and what the commentary is prob saying, but I highly doubt the commentary boldly states "David got in the car to immediately have sex with Julie because he wanted to." If the commentary says that I will be very, very surprised.
" . . . I highly doubt the commentary boldly states "David got in the car to immediately have sex with Julie because he wanted to."
You're right, it's not stated as bluntly as your example, but I think it's pretty clear. You can judge for yourself. I dug it up and here's an excerpt from the transcript of the directors commentary for that scene . .
(Cameron speaking of course)
This scene is really the crux of David Aames’s life and it is how much are you going to stay with that little decision you make as you’re leaving the house and you say “you know what? I’m going to be a different person. I’m going to be the best version of myself.” And then BOOM you’re tested immediately. And this scene is about that little voice inside that you SHOULDN’T listen to . . that we often DO listen to that says “hey now just run one more emotional red light – nobody’s gonna catch you”
I think he got into that car because he felt guilty. In a way she made him feel guilty. And maybe eventual have "makeup friends with benefits" sex with her, to keep her a bay. Just my interpretation.