MovieChat Forums > Vanilla Sky (2001) Discussion > If this came out today..

If this came out today..

.. If this exact move came out today, and let's say, hypothetically, had the name David Fincher or Christopher Nolan (or some other trendy director) attached instead of Cameron Crowe, it would have a rating of AT LEAST an 8.

Vanilla Sky is a brilliant movie with some wonderful performances, a killer soundtrack and some unique ideas. It's just a shame it came out during the early IMDB days, when 'twist' movies were saturating the industry. That plus people's disdain for Tom Cruise, who actually did an amazing job, are most likely the reasons it's failed to find its audience.

I just compare it to Inception, which is a fair comparison since they're similar thematically, and think wow, Vanilla Sky actually had a lot to say. Inception, while fun, really didn't.


I agree with what you're saying here but Nolan and Fincher are both fantastic directors. Inception actually had a lot to say about reality, our perception of it, and the like, but it seems you missed it.

Cameron Crowe is also incredibly skilled in directing. It's not like you have to pick one or the other. They're all incredibly gifted.


I agree that Fincher and Nolan are great directors. What I meant by my original post is that they have name recognition. They're popular among the type of movie goers who should have liked Vanilla Sky. If this had come out a decade later or had a trendier director attached it would be 'top 250' material, without a doubt.

Inception's world, for all its convoluted rules, didn't spark my imagination much. I've heard many interpretations, one of which is that it's a reflection of film itself etc, and while all the various interpretations are fine, they seem quite watered down thematically, compared to Vanilla Sky. (Just my opinion.)

Vanilla Sky deals with a hyper realistic virtual reality system that expands the users dreams and subconscious space after death. Before Abre Lis Ojos, had we ever seen anything like this on film? This is also only the tip of the iceberg too. Consequences, ego-death, materialism, etc - the list is long and rich, as I'm sure you know. For repeated viewings, I've found very few movies as rich with ideas as this one.


Before Abre Lis Ojos, had we ever seen anything like this on film?

A Christmas Carol meets Total Recall meets Jules and Jim meets MTV.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Absolutely. I enjoyed Inception but Vanilla Sky had so much more emotional complexity, and the ambiguity clearly would not be an issue today.


Those days when such concepts were rare, this film had still managed to collect over 100M domestically. So I believe when it released it was popular and equally liked but as Tom Cruise's movie star image overshadows his image as an actor so mostly movie goers like to quote his trendy films instead if those films which were risks and still were great hits at their times.


With the exception of Roger Ebert, most critics and movie-goers unanimously agreed that Vanilla Sky was a bad movie, even upon release.

The audience that should have liked it, didn't. Maybe there were too many big twist / mind bender movies around the same time. Maybe it was the publics disdain for Tom Cruise. Maybe it was marketing. Personally I suspect all three.

I always thought it would become a cult hit - like Blade Runner, but it never did. In all my years of watching movies it remains the single most dividing and under-rated movie I've ever seen.


I would say it has become a cult classic with the passing of time...I personally know several people who have been turned onto it in very recent years, and loved it.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Bang on the money there OP!
