I don't think there's room for another monster. I also think you should try to get the TV series to research that one a bit.
We've got a pretty decent outline of the life cycle, however, there are some distinctions that are worth noting. First let's specify exactly what we know:
1: The Graboids do produce shriekers. As far as we know, they make three each, although many species of animals can produce a varying number of offspring when they die. If the number of shriekers is always the same, this probably has something to do with the three tongues the graboids have. Once the graboid produces shriekers, it is dead. Graboids may come in genders. Tremors 3 discusses a white worm, which does not transform into graboids, and Tremors 4 also appears to show one white worm, and multiple brown worms. Graboids can sense vibration, and probably are able to taste with their tongues.
2: Shriekers can give birth to more shrikers by eating and vomitting out a baby. After about a day, the shriekers apparently all get together, form coccoons, and come out as ass blasters. (See Tremors 3.)Shriekers sense heat, communicate by heat, and eat most anything they can find. Since shriekers multiply by eating, they do not have sexes or sexual differences.
3: The ass blasters can fly. They pass out when they eat, produce rocket-powered farts, and can lay at least one egg each.
4: The eggs hatch, and produce a small creature (Dirt dragons?) as shown in Tremors 4. These can jump out of the sand, and have no eyes. They sense vibrations. These smaller creatures drop off their outer shells, and after a time of apparent inactivity, the graboids appear. Graboids then probably breed? and produce shriekers.
It seems to me that this is a pretty complete life cycle, altough by investigating the life of these beasts we may find a hole in the process somewhere. There are some questions to be answered.
What sort of chemistry do they have? All of these creatures produce an awful smell, so their life probably involves the use of hydrogen sulfide. Since Burt does not suffocate inside the worm, there must also be a good deal of oxygen in the mouth of the beasts, and people probably are often swallowed whole by these beasts. Perhaps the Shriekers inside them do the actual eating...
Do they have any sense in common? Since the Graboids and Shriekers both use their tongues quite a bit, I suspect they all have the sense of taste, and possibly also smell, although the sense of smell is unlikely at least for the shriekers.
Do the graboids really have two sexes? I'd hate to see them breeding after all... However, the fact that there is a white worm in both 3 and 4 suggests that this is indeed the case. In 2 they blew up a lot of tremors without ever looking at them too closely, so this may have been the fate of the white worm there. In 1... I can't really say. Maybe the one that died in the ditch at the beginning was white. Maybe the one that got hit by the jack hammer was white, and died from the wound. Some of them may have hatched early, had no white "male" worms to breed with, and this would then explain why we never saw any other forms in the first movie. Later, in Tremors 3, the white ones and the other kind both hatched, and bred. Thus, I suggest that the gaboids do indeed have two sexes.
How smart are the Shriekers? Again, no idea. Probably they are bred to be very dumb. They may have only the ability to tell each other apart from all other heat sources. Once all the food is gone, they might head towards the warmest spot they could find. Tremors 3 mentions them all going to a box canyon, and Tremors 4 I believe mentions a box canyon where the hot springs water comes from. This habit might help the next lofe cycle get towards a heated area more easily.
Ass Blasters... Aside from the question of why anyone would have such poor taste as to name a monster this... Why do they go into a coma when fed? I suspect it is because when they feed, their body shuts down a lot of vitals in order to produce eggs. They might go for quantity, producing several hundred, and dropping them over the terrain as they fly. Since the eggs are somewhat rubbery, they might bounce to a resting place, having been scattered about wildy. However, I do not think this is the case. Tremors 1 has about four worms in it, as does Tremors 3, and 4. This number is of course not precise. I suspect that this represents the typical "nest" size of the ass blaster, and I think the ass blaster can use it's large feet to dig a sort of nest in the dirt, much like an ostritch, then buries the eggs near a source of geothermal heat... Or maybe just somewhere in the desert, where the heat of the sun might get warm enough from time to time for a few to hatch. Apparently they do need to hatch in groups of a few, in order to make it likely for males and females to hatch in the same time. IF each ass blaster produces only one egg, or only one egg at a time, they may nest in groups, as some birds do, each placing their egg in about the same place. Perhaps in nature, when one has eaten enough to pass out, the others stick around, and nest there.
We might also wonder how far the ass blasters can fly. Most likely, they can get from the Oil fields down in... Argentina? to Nevada before dying, or the other way around. I sure know the graboids can't tunnel through all that.
Eggs: How long, and how short a time can they lay dormant? Also how many hatch at a time? We can be fairly sure that they do not hatch very often, but they do appear to hatch in small groups of about four at a time. This may represent a typical ass blaster "nest" size. It may also be that sometimes only a few of one sex hatch at a time, making it impossible for them to breed before they die off. The life span of a graboid is another question.
Dirt Dragons: Do they multiply or breed in any way? Apparently not, since the same number of eggs and graboids appears in Tremors 4. How good are their senses? probably very good, since they can leap through the air to take someone out. They may suppliment their tremor sense with smell, but this is unlikely.
OTHER OPTIONS: IF there is another form of tremor, it must occur in one of six "holes" in the process. It is only in these spaces that there is any reason to expect another form of tremor.
Hole 1: Between the egg and the Dirt Dragon. This would probably be a very small creature. It could have a life span of a few months, depending on what they say in tremors 4 about how long the spring has been running through the area where the eggs hatched. it could be a surface, swimming, or flying creature. However, an underground species seems most likely, since the death of the men in the mine looks suspiciously too fast and complete for the dirt dragons we see later. This phase could last a few days.
Hole 2: Between the dirt dragon and the Graboid. Tremors 4 shows a certain lull in activity between the time the dirt dragons seem to disappear and when the Graboids appear. The Dirt Dragon activity ceases long enough for them to send out a telegraph, for a gunslinger to come, and for them to ride out a day or two to the mine before talking things through. The dirt dragon in this time looses it's shell, and transforms into something else. Afterwards, the graboids appear. While it seems fairly likely that the dirt dragon produces a small graboid who then grows, there might be some (growing) intermediate stage. This stage apparently is not a major threat to the humans in the area, although it must be eating quite a bit to bulk up from a tiny dirt dragon to a huge graboid. it probably does not sense vibration, smells, or IR, since it never attacks the humans in the area. It may be able to hear, as the humans are trying to keep quiet, and it may be nocturnal, as they hide on rock every night while out of the village.
Hole 3: Between the graboid and the screecher. Any such life cycle could last for no more than eight hours, as the graboids die off at night, and the screachers appear the same night. Such a creature as this would have to move quickly in order to get away from the Graboid corpse in time for the people to hear it stop, and then check out the empty corpse.
Hole 4: Between Screecher and Ass blaster: This is another very short lived hole. The screechers are seen to go up into a box canyon one day, and the ass blasters are seen later on the same day. This gap is probably no more than four hours long, so this would be a very short life cycle hole indeed.
Hole 5: After White Graboid: The white graboids apparently do not turn into screechers. Instead, they stay as worms for weeks, months, or perhaps even years. (See Tremors 3) Whether they die of old age, or become something else much later is unknown. Since the life cycle can continue without a white worm changing into something else, there really is no reason to believe that they would become something else. However, this is free range territory.
Hole 6: After ass blaster: Ass blasters seem to be the final stage of the life cycle. They contain eggs, and the eggs apparently hatch into the next generation afte some dormant period. There is no reason to believe that an ass blaster changes into anything else, and doing so would not help the life cycle in any way. However, you never know with tremors.