The Alpo Story
Does anybody know when "The Alpo Story" is coming out on DVD? It's the documentary based on Alpo's life.
I'm really interested in seeing it because Alpo's interview painted a different picture of things. AZ, Rich, and Alpo didn't seem like a coherrent group from the way he tells it. It seems like at one time Rich and Alpo were getting bricks from AZ through his connect, and Alpo was working for AZ for a while, but after that they were all doing their own thing. Alpo started going straight to AZ's connect for bricks, they all had their own crews, and from the way Alpo tells it AZ and Rich weren't really the best of friends like AZ made it seem.
It always didn't make sense to me how AZ could be going out with Rich's sister for a while, and he not even know she was Rich's sister, but it would make sense if they weren't really that close. It seems like AZ wanted to paint a nice picture while Alpo was just blunt about what went on in those days.
I also want to see it because paid in full didn't go into Alpo's dealings in D.C. at all. Apparently Alpo was the most successful of the three, he was even mentioned in the Rayful Edmond documentary. They said people were talking about him like he had more money than any of the D.C. dealers, but Alpo gave Rayful mad props when he first met him.