So pathetic.

I understand that that makers felt they needed a PG-13 polished turd in order to allow 5 year olds to sneak into the film and feel as though they'd accomplished something, but this was a film that deserved an R rating and an absolutely hard-line, balls-to-the-wall style...instead...they went went with Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendez. Cage could have pulled it off, but the whole film was disrespectful to the comic and to its audience. The original Stepford Wives was harder core than this. This needs to be shoved right back up the bureaucratic @sshole it came from. Corporate thinking at its worst.

The art of losing isn't hard to master.


the original 70s Ghost Rider comics wasn't R rated material and it was pretty campy. Even the darker Daniel Ketch storyline the comics didn't warrant an R rating

My mini city


Sure. I can buy that. An R rating isn't necessary to make a good film. Absolutely true.

But when it comes to camp...the old Batman comic as well as the TV series was campy as could be. ...But which was better - Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" or Joel Schumacher's "Batman & Robin"? Camp can be great when done right and when it doesn't work against the rest of the film's atmosphere, but neither was the case here.

The film biffed it when it came to its target audience. Instead of going after those who actually wear shirts, get tattoos, and have wet dreams about flaming skulls - they went after the same crowd that liked the recent Scooby Doo films.

The art of losing isn't hard to master.



What did I expect? A good adaptation.

The art of losing isn't hard to master.


this is for people who go to the movies to be entertained.

Well, there's your first problem... It didn't entertain.

what did you expect from a movie about a flaming skeleton riding a flaming motorcycle seeking vengeance on the less than innocent? a spielberg drama? a malick philosophical experience? a gilliam masterpiece? what?

As someone who's unfamiliar with the comic, the only expectation I had was a fun movie with great special effects. What I got was:

* A movie where the protagonist didn't have a clue what he was doing, but somehow always managed to come out on top. Which was significantly aided by:
* A movie with a cookie cutter antagonist, who brought on some of the most incompetent evil henchmen I've seen on film. Seriously. Dr. Evil called, he wants his men back.
* A movie where Nicolas Cage did this -
* A movie with the hideous acting of Eva Mendes.
* A movie with intentionally humorous dialog that wasn't all that humorous.
* A movie with unintentionally hilarious scenes and dialog.
* Beef.

It wasn't fun, and there wasn't enough unintentional hilarity to put this in the so bad it's good category. It was a stupid, lifeless movie, with lame characters, poor writing, and mediocre special effects. I can (easily) overlook the special effects, but I can't overlook everything else.



"A movie with intentionally humorous dialog that wasn't all that humorous.
A movie with unintentionally hilarious scenes and dialog. "

um, it was all intentional, i'm sorry that you believe otherwise, but you're wrong.

Oh, I'm quite sure every aspect of the film was intentional. Intent, however, does not always produce the desired results. For example, Harold Warren didn't set out to make one of worst films to ever grace the silver screen when he wrote and directed Manos: The Hands of Fate. Nevertheless, that was the end result. Likewise, I have to imagine that Neil LaBute and Nicolas Cage hoped for a far more financially successful and far less hysterical reception for The Wicker Man.

you are probably in the same crowd that boos on Piranha 3D.

In fact, I haven't seen that film. But if I did, I'd no doubt boo, because I lack a sense of humor and an understanding of campy movies. While we're playing the guessing game, I'm guessing you have a habit of making generalizations and showing extreme intolerance for differing opinions.

edit: please peruse this website, because it sounds like you are unaware of this style of comedy:

And the relevance of this to my original post, is... what? That my opinion is immediately invalidated because a movie is considered campy? Camp doesn't excuse poor film making. Batman & Robin is considered campy... If I check your post history, will I find you vehemently defending that film from the uneducated masses as well?





* A movie where the protagonist didn't have a clue what he was doing, but somehow always managed to come out on top.

I agree. Also throughout the movie I thought that Cage was playing a retarded person.

* A movie with a cookie cutter antagonist, who brought on some of the most incompetent evil henchmen I've seen on film. Seriously. Dr. Evil called, he wants his men back.

Lol, how right you are!

Chun Li's ASS!!! --->


As someone who's unfamiliar with the comic, the only expectation I had was a fun movie with great special effects. What I got was:

* A movie where the protagonist didn't have a clue what he was doing, but somehow always managed to come out on top. Which was significantly aided by:
* A movie with a cookie cutter antagonist, who brought on some of the most incompetent evil henchmen I've seen on film. Seriously. Dr. Evil called, he wants his men back.
* A movie where Nicolas Cage did this -
* A movie with the hideous acting of Eva Mendes.
* A movie with intentionally humorous dialog that wasn't all that humorous.
* A movie with unintentionally hilarious scenes and dialog.
* Beef.

It wasn't fun, and there wasn't enough unintentional hilarity to put this in the so bad it's good category. It was a stupid, lifeless movie, with lame characters, poor writing, and mediocre special effects. I can (easily) overlook the special effects, but I can't overlook everything else.

Completely agree with you. I'm so glad waste money on this at the movies. I tried to watch it when it was on TV, but I couldn't get through it all.

It was bad... Like BAD bad.

The dialouge was so unbelievably bad and laughable when it tried to take itself seriously.

"Sunlight in the hair, and the blue sky fixed forever in your eyes."
The Vampire Lestat


It must be hard to have such an ugly, hateful mentality, but I feel no sympathy.
