You guys are totally forgetting one thing about this movie. It wasn't made to be a good time, that isn't the purpose of the film. It was made to make money. That is the only reason Jerry Bruckheimer produced this film to get it this far. I know this can be said about pretty much all films, but this one, like the people who liked the movie said, isn't meant to be artistic, it's meant to be fun for the kids. So the kids will see the trailers and drag their parents to go see it. Kids equal money, not just with the movie either, but merchandise. Hollywood (or at least the movie companies, Dreamworks excluded) just care about how they can get at adults pocket books, and they found a great way which they have been using for probably the past 50 years. To get at us through our kids, we can't say no to them. And I'm not saying we should, I'm just dissapointed that the movie companies won this battle and are making a *beep* load of money from it. But they aren't getting my money, I don't have to add to that, and I'm definitely not going to.
So the main reason I'm not going to see it (though not the only one) is because the people making and producing this movie are getting enough millions of dollars for creating this easy as hell movie to make without me shelling out my ten or twenty bucks to see it. Everytime we go to the movies, we are supporting that movie. We're supporting that movie company, that director, script writer, producer, and that movie theater. I just get extra careful of what I support and what I don't.