This Movie is Good.

I believe that this movie is exactly what it should be: a cute, funny family movie. I mean, you can't expect much from a movie with a kangarro stealing an envelope, but you GOTTA admit, the CGI is EXCELLENT.

With Jerry Bruckheimer, what is on the screen is EXACTLY what should be on the screen. Jerry Bruckheimer doesn't leave room for ANY failures, so this movie was supposed to be "bad". But I think this movie is a good movie.

Try to admit, without lying, that you didn't at least SMILE during this movie. Maybe it's that I payed 3 dollars to see it, but I thought it was adorable. The acting was fair, and the script was less than sharp, but not dull, and the CGI was EXCELLENT.

Try to say to yourself, truthfully, that this movie isn't entertaining. It's plenty entertaining, and that's all it was supposed to be.

The tree is talking Merry!


I saw this film and enjoyed it and i am 29 years old.The kids i saw it with liked it as well.Not every movie is meant to be Gladiator-some are just meant to be fun,family movies.


This movie was not good. I did not laugh. In fact, i got angrier as the Film went on. I think the story was so-so with minor stupid details fit in along the script, but the way it was filmed made it way to stupid to be a ENJOYABLE family movie. I mean look at the plot... 50,000 dollars in a little envelope. The story could have been drastically improved if it was more money and there weren't any kangaroos in it and the movie was never made. I don't know about the rest of the people that laughed or "had fun" seeing this movie but when i want comedy I don't want "false talking kangaroos not appearing in this film". A funny movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail... a funny movie is Wet hot american Summer... a funny movie is The Big Lebowski. I hated this movie...with a passion.


Much, much better than I expected. The trailer simply did not do it justice. First surprise was that it wasn't really about the kangaroo.


I had heard that was horrible. I had that thought in my head as I started to watch it(I hadn't planned on renting it, but my brother got it, so I decided to give it a shot). Expecting it to be horrible at first, I must say that I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected. I'm not saying it's great, but with the expectation of a horrible movie, it makes you think it's better than you heard it was.


i love this movie!! i wasn't expecting it to be so good because of the low rating here at imdb but my sister, cousins, and nephews hyped it up so much i gave it a shot... AND WASN'T DISAPPOINTED...I don't know what people have against this movie!


i agree Mars & tsk2k.
Some people need to chill. its a family movie, not the Godfather, ok?


Are you all on Prozac or something?This movie is down right stupid,perverted,and definately not for kids.I guess you enjoy being labeled n$*ds and ge*#s,because too many others saw through the guise of this movie.Get a clue!IT SUCKS!The CGI Kangaroo isn't charming for kids,its scarier than Freddy Kruger.There is nothing but an endless slew of toilet humor that has already worn out its welcome,because its been done too many times.Do you all want your children to grow up,and become perverted slobs that f@rt all the time?You people are no better than other Popple heads(a term I got from chirpy and annoying creatures that came out in the 80's)that do nothing but praise really terrible movies.You do this just because it has cute animals,alien creatures,children,puppets and cartoon characters in it.Never because the movie has a great story,plotting,originality,creativity,or interesting characters.We are getting sick and tired of people like you, causing these type of rehashed,boring,and stupid garbage to be forced fed to both us and our kids.Plus, the tiresome toilet humor has got to finally go!I guess you really enjoy your kids,being gross all the time,and having no manners.But the rest of us don't.I can name much better made family movies,that are HEALTHIER for kids.Not teach them to be rude and mannerless.But if you enjoy that kind then don't worry.You'll get to see all of it on the inflight to Hell,with Satan's insight on each.["May the Earth split wide open,and swallow you up!"


Did you also miss the scene where the kangaroo was being nasty and perverted, that should've caused it to get a PG-13 or R?And you call this a kids film?Oh Really!


who cares what the movie is supposed to be? Let's think for a second about how the movie actually was?

and btw- what part was the kangaroo being nasty?

{aim= eedd13}


They had a scene where the kangaroo was playing with himself, in traffic.A lot of people saw it before it finally got cut from the movie.And this is supposed to be a kids film?They actually showed what made him male too.
Cro T. Robot on The Undead:"What were you thinking!? "


Yeah! And what about the scene where Charlie grabs Estella Waren's character's breasts? It seems to me like that scene lingered dangerously close to the PG-13 range, as well!


I thought this movie looked pretty lame in the previews, but I was entertained when I saw it. My brothers enjoyed it too. I don't know anyone else who has seen it and we haven't been able to convince any of our friends to see it. They all think we have a weird taste in movies (my brothers and I thought Dumb and Dumberer was funny but non of our friends liked it).

This movie had a great cast. Jerry O'Connell is one of my favorite actors. Estella Warren is super hot. Christopher Walken is the funniest man alive. Anthony Anderson is annoying but can be funny at times.


kangroo jack was pretty bad but had its moments and it did its job on entertainin kids but still really bad for ppl over 10


My kids and I enjoyed this film. Yes it wasn't put out there to win any Oscar's but I didn't need to take my kids on Dr. Phil after watching it either. It was some family fun for a little while. Plus we had a some fun talking about Australia, Kangaroos, and making bad choices and good ones.

I think people need to realize sometimes what demographics different shows are made for. Example: Barney. Many people over the age of 7 hate it, but guess what it's not made for them. But watch a four-year-old watch it and they love it. Take the same four-year-old and put in Pulp Fiction or The Godfather and they will hate it.

So take Kangaroo Jack for who it is for and for some fun. Lighten up.


I personally disagree with the above poster. People continually give me the, "it's a kids movie; therefore you have a bias and shouldn't complain," argument, but I disagree. In my opinion, a truly good children's film is one that entertains, not only the main demographic, but also has something to offer for the older people. (Without resorting to sex jokes, or anything.) "The Princess Bride," is a good example, by my book. As are Pixar's films. If a movie entertains the kids, it's o.k. for them, but if I cannot stand it, I think that my opinion should still be considered valid.

But, in the case of this movie, I'm not really bashing it because it's a bad kids' film. As far as I'm concerned, it's not even a children's movie in the first place.There's the aforementioned breast-grabbing scene, and then there's the scene where the Kangaroo plays with himself, (Actually, I'm not sure whether that was real, or not, but I'll have to do some research to find out.) There are gun battles, slurs against Austrailians, jokes about getting drunk, and other things that, in my opinion, aren't good for younger people. But that's just me.



ok fine now if u were watching it as an adult what would you rate it?




Kangaroo jack is great. the bit with the gobstopper. the bit where Charlie Carbonara gets decked by the kangaroo. the bit where the black guy jumps in the water etc etc etc toooo many funny bits to mention. And by the way I am 31 with a six year fav films are The Mission, Shawshank Redemption, and Salvador, L.A. Confidential and 28 Days Later. So that exempts me from any derogatory remarks

P.S. I also love Shrek and Finding Nemo


No. This movie was _terrible_. I, for one, have not seen every movie ever produced, but I've seen a great deal, and from these Kangaroo Jack was, and I honestly do not exaggerate, the worst.

... I'm not even sure where to begin... it was... so, so bad. From start to finnish... terrible. Immature, predictable, completely unrealistic (and don't tell me that the movie was not attempting to be at least somewhat realistic). These things wouldn't matter if the movie were aimed at very young children, but it clearly isn't.

A terrible movie and a permanent scar on the careers of anybody involved with it.


No. This movie was _terrible_. I, for one, have not seen every movie ever produced, but I've seen a great deal, and from these Kangaroo Jack was, and I honestly do not exaggerate, the worst.

... I'm not even sure where to begin... it was... so, so bad. From start to finnish... terrible. Immature, predictable, completely unrealistic (and don't tell me that the movie was not attempting to be at least somewhat realistic). These things wouldn't matter if the movie were aimed at very young children, but it clearly isn't.

A terrible movie and a permanent scar on the careers of anybody involved with it.


well... this movie is horrible in my oponion.. maybe it was suppose to be all fun and kid movie well.. whatever... really i look for in a movie is entertainment.. i got none of this during the film i got more slept.. lol .. then u say .. how does he know if its good if he slept.. or bad034892384 welllllll i saw it twice and its in my top 10 worst movies....

no order lol
just cracks me up

thirteen ghost.. good then pointless
kangoray jack argh my who cares1111 this film is horrid i dont need to spell i need to delete it from my brainoooo=====1

stop or my mom will shoot... argh i luv stallone but hate this film
gigil.. its bad.. not underrated.. underatted is cobra .. rocky 5 all of the rest of the rockies... even the original ... arhgmkm top 10 film definately....... and nighthawks that underrated... or lock up.. anyways back to bad films..

dumb and dumberer.. funny at 2 or 3 times just a bad storyline kept u very little in it... im a teen to.... its more for teens,,,, argh just not me i dunno i dont like.. and guys this is my oponion u may disargee dont bash me

rhine stone .. bad film even though i like stallone... jsut argh
the girls life with maddonaa... just not good

i dont know the rest... i mean i dont not like van heilson but i would not say its my top 10 worst.. i need more thinking,... argh i mean.. you need to read the book to understand the film... i dont noo lol im rambling.. anyways dont see this film btw... hmm underrated films well.. a bronx tale .. classic film.. all of the rockies.. stallone is very underatted as well as his films... nighthawks,lockup,judge dredd,over the top.. omg 3.8 on board no way...first blood.. this is classic first blood part ii rambo 3 .. i luv stallone yyeeeeeeeeeeees
