don't hate
I took my next door neighbors' kids to see this movie, and we had a great time. At first I was taken aback by the talking kangaroo, but the thing only talks in 1 or 2 dream sequences, and it was actually pretty damn funny to hear Christopher Walken's voice coming out of its mouth! I thought I would be bored but it had jokes for adults, and it was waaaay better than that cloyingly sweet Pokemon movie. I don't see why so many people are taking shots at this movie when it's clearly a harmless family flick; some posters here are acting like it's the movie anti-christ or something! I was really happy to see a movie out for kids that wasn't an R movie in PG-13 clothing, or a syrupy G snoozer. If it doesn't look good to you, don't hate: just don't watch it. And certainly don't talk if you haven't even seen it!