MovieChat Forums > S.W.A.T. (2003) Discussion > Another Factual Goof:

Another Factual Goof:

When the prisoner transport bus actually PULLS OVER. That is my job and when I first saw this movie, I was screaming at the screen: WHAT THE #@$%^ ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?
You NEVER stop when doing a prisoner transport unless you are inside a secure area; or at least until dispatch gives you the green light to pull over.
That's just the kind of shi7 you just don't do, not if you want to make it home at the end of your shift.

Then I remembered it's just a movie, and the whole thing was in the script.

"I don't mind CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. It's DESTRUCTIVE criticism that chaps my a$$" -Chevy Chase



Very true.

The movie had plenty of goofs- the spacing was particularly bad. On the whole though, considering some cinematic liberty has to be taken, the technical aspects were very well done.


I agree, had a hard time believing Street let Montel get the jump on him to cut him while he's searching him on the ground. I think a real SWAT jock would have been more alert there.


Not only that, but I seriously doubt that the Sheriff's department would drive a busload full of criminals down Hollywood Boulevard, one of the main tourist attractions in Los Angeles.


Well you want the little darlings to be comfortable and enjoy the trip.

I was reading on here about To Live n Die in LA on here, another of my favorite movies. There the discussion was how gritty it was, it showed the industrial and ghetto sections of LA. What I remember was how pretty this movie was, I remember a lot of sky scrapers, the beach, the strip, etc.


I'm surprised that none of you mentioned that LA county sheriff's dept buses have more cages....a lot more cages.


That's interesting. My experience deals with jails and cruisers. Never had the "pleasure" of the buses, lol.
But it does make sense.

Refusal to believe does not negate the truth.



Lol, as an explorer, I've been in and out of these buses from when they take us around to parades and stuff. The newer buses are the worst as they don't have any windows for the inmates to look outside, only a small section close to the roof is open.


yeah, that thing is especially screwed.

"roger, nine-tom-king. stand by, while we confirm the identity of the black and white" or something like that was said just before he pulls over. now, its after that, that the bus pulls over. how *beep* dumb are you allowed to be? you have no idea about whats going on, you have 30 drug dealers/murderers/rapers in the back, and you're in LA. pulling over is the *beep* dumbest thing you could do in that situation. just drive around some blocks untill you get some sort of confirmation. its not that difficul.
but again. if he didnt pull over, you wouldnt be having that shooting-scene. its a part of the script.

*beep* you, im danish!! lålålålå!! æøå!!!
*beep* dig, jeg er dansk!!! lålålålå!! æøå!!!


yeah and when you go back among the prisoners you don't carry your firearm unless you want to get jumped by the inmates. you can tell thats Hollywood's doing right there.


Not to mention, the responding SWAT officers would've double tapped the escapee outside the bus.


and in the Press Conference after the incident Cpt. Fuller says the suspects had AK-47's, when they clearly didn't!

but that's probably deliberate, as Fuller wanted the suspects to sound more menacing and dangerous


Or maybe he and/or his superiors didn't want to publicize the whole sheriffs bus getting pulled over by fake cops part.


the odd thing about it is, control actually tells him to keep driving until they identify the car.


Yeah and the police wouldn't be pulling you guys over either would they?

"A movie a day keeps the doctor away"


How about a limo catching up to a learjet?


Fiction. Not a documentary.

But ever if it were a documentary, I've been arrested before, and one time they had to take us in a bus from the local jail to court for our first appearance (they were maybe 4-5 miles away from each other), and the bus just drove normally, stopping at traffic lights, etc.
