Where's their sequel? This has all the hallmarks of success laden sequels.
Missed money here
Where's their sequel? This has all the hallmarks of success laden sequels.
Missed money here
In its day it was a pretty expensive film that made some money, but not mega amounts. So they went cheap on the sequel, which came quite a few years later.
shareYeah I don't know if I'd call or consider that to be a sequel. It had NO hallmarks of swat, and only seemed to be using the name and fame of the actual movie.
No a real sequel in my book.
if all the original cast return I definitely think there could be a sequel that could be awesome. I had an idea for a sequel where a terrorist group take over an la court house to use judges and council officials for hostages. The SWAT team take them down & they end up in prison with Montel who is using his money & influence to escape. He offers them freedom under the provision they start a war with the LAPD & take down Hondo's crew. there's more to it, but you get the general idea
shareI doubt they could get the entire cast back, but that would be the way to go.
Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.