Music question

Hi, I just wanted to know the title of the main song of the movie. I'm not tallking about the persian market or sunrise serenade, but the tune that plays consistently througout the film - I think they have it on in the scene where Charlize kisses Woody to give him the key.

Thanks a lot!


in a persian market by wilbur de paris.

its on the album "plays something old, new, gay, blue.." or something by wilbur de paris. the song is one of the greatest songs ever, and one of the greatest songs ever used in a film.


I am sure the answer to this would be in the recently released book,
"The Soundtracks of Woody Allen" by Adam Harvey, published by McFarland. It lists all of the music in each film and tells you where it appears. And there is a section on where to find recordings of the music, if they are available. I've just got my copy off Amazon and it is excellent!
