The real casting mistake
I recently picked up a fun book for Allen fans called "Woody Allen and Philosophy". One chapter was devoted to "Curse of the Jade", which suprised me, as I didn't think that the film merited much comment, not being one of my favorite Allens.
But upon reading it, it makes a case to reconsider the film as a post-modern spin on Maltese Falcon-type morality and character, with Allen's Briggs standing in for Bogart. It made me appreciate that the script was really not so awful.
Upon earlier viewings, I also thought perhaps Hunt was miscast. That despite her abilities, this role did not suit her, and she had no chemistry with Allen. While I continue to think there might be some truth to this, I actually believe that Woody's biggest mistake in this film's casting lies elsewhere: his casting of himself in the lead.
Contrary to some people, I do think Woody can act as well as write, direct, do stand-up. His performances have not only been funny, but shown great pathos, along the lines of Chaplin. But I think he somehow lost his acting touch after "Deconstructing Harry". He took a break, not appearing in "Celebrity" and "Sweet". Then I just don't find him back to his abilities in "Smalltime", "Jade" or "Anything". And happily(sad to say)uncast in "Melinda" and "Match".
I think this film could have worked(better) with someone else in the lead. Woody is standing in for Bogart, ferchrissakes. He was doin that in "Play It Again Sam" as well, to great yucks. But there the difference between them is not only acceptable, it's needed for the laughs. This story demands more that we can believe him (even a little bit)as a babe-magnet for Charlize and Helen. When Bogie is verbally sparring with Lauren, etc in those oldies-but-goodies we feel heat under the put-downs. Here, it just seems very farcical(as in ridiculous, not funny) that Charlize and Helen would be interested in Woody's character. And when they call him "grimy", etc, it seems more believable as outright disdain, not that it masks their desires for him.
Who could have been great in this role? You tell me:)