MovieChat Forums > The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) Discussion > I don't recall this ever coming out-

I don't recall this ever coming out-

I remember seeing this film advertised everywhere.... saw commercials... saw little sticker thingies all over my local theatre... I remember looking forward to it...

Then... it dissapeared. Everything about it dissapeared and I never saw it. Several months later I saw it in a discount DVD bin.

What happened? I'm just curious what the situation was with this film? Was it pushed big but then never released?

briansouter- "the word 'credible' is meaningless...what do u mean by that word?"



It was definitely released. I took my son, 13 at the time, to see his first Woody Allen film. We both really enjoyed it.


I've not seen it.


I was just going through my DVD collection taking the disks and putting them in binders and tossing the cases and artwork. I just do not have the time or room to store and manage all that crap any longer. I ran into "The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion" and I had to laugh because I have been looking for it online on NetFlix or Amazon and they are not there for some reason.

I watched it last night, and it was still so hilarious. The premise, the characters, the tightness of the suspense, and the sets, direction and camerawork are spectacular. I was so happy to see this again I had forgotten just how funny it was. Helen Hunt is fantastic in this, and of course the beautiful Charlize Theron as the promiscuous rich girl with the heart of gold.


It was probably limited release at arthouse theaters, as tends to be the case for later Woody Allen movies.
