This is the worst movie I've seen so far this year.
Flame all you want, regardless, just because a movie is "artsy" and in French does not automatically make it great cinema.
Maybe they had to sacrifice a good actress for the protagonist's role in order to find one who could play the piano? Or is it mimed? Really don't know, don't care. She's just terrible. Acted very poorly, terrifying looking. Extremely hard to identify with an emotionally tortured main character when they just sit around with the same down syndrome expression on their face the whole movie. And then we're supposed to believe the ageless aryan youth wanted to hit that? She wasn't even MILF status. Honey, you aren't attractive enough to be ordering guys around re: what to do with their erections. She was really truly god awful. I can't think of one moment when she was on the screen that I didn't completely hate her.
Besides his obvious attempt to be "edgy," I guess I get what the director was trying to do. The movie really did have an interesting plot... It was just executed very poorly. Really. You better hope whoever you're trying to impress by claiming this is your favourite movie never actually sits down the suffer through it, because if they do, they're going to lose all respect for you.