Jewish Police Were The Real Villains
The Jewish police enjoyed enforcing the German commands. They loved the power.
The Jewish police enjoyed enforcing the German commands. They loved the power.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
it is a valid point of view. It is a ghastly stereotype, but cannot be discounted.
It certainly was not one of the leading motivations or outcomes, but in any position of authority there are different reasons for people aspiring to them. In this case as the selection procedure for these positions lacked vetting or psychological profiling it would be churlish to deny that it existed.
It's not a valid point of view because the OP is arguing that all Jewish police loved the power etc. No doubt there were some who did, but to suggest that they all did is like saying Norwegians are gun toting mass murderers.
shareThe Nazis put the Jews in those dire straights and let a few of them survive a little longer by making them turn against their own. Don't blame the Kapos, blame the Nazis. All prisons operate by using selected inmate trusties to do the dirty work of the guards.
shareRidiculous OP. You need to learn more about the human psyche and how frail it can be in times of extreme trauma. This would be a good start:
Dear Ndugu, how are you? I am fine.
Jakealope is 100% correct, IMHO -- and saying the Jewish police were doing anything but trying to survive under extreme circumstances, is just trying to air latent anti-Semitic crap here on the pages of imdb. Have seen it b4. The real villains were n-o-t the Jews. Their only crime was believing that their fellow man would not turn into the worst possible example of humanity.
shareleo some did but others saw it as a ticket to buy more time and extend there position!!
The real criminals were the high ranking Germans and the SS.
They had no choice. They felt it was the only way they could survive
shareIt's easy to criticize what they did from our computers, but they felt it would give them a chance to survive. The Nazis were the real villains.
shareLol, yes let's just take the blame from those evil white men that enjoyed mowing them down. Nothing more evil or cruel than a white man- no other group has come remotely close to the kind of pain and violence the pasty man has partaken of.
"The pain only reminds us that we are alive."