MovieChat Forums > The Pianist (2003) Discussion > Am I a bad person for laughing at the wh...

Am I a bad person for laughing at the wheelchair scene?

You know, when the SS takes that guy in a wheelchair and throws him off of the balcony. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I still did.

With all the luck you've had, why are your songs so sad?



John Lennon was known to laugh at tragic things because he couldn't deal with them any other way. Everyone deals with horror, shock and tragedy in different ways, ways that may not seem "normal" to others.



That isn't really and "uncomfortable" scene, it is out and out horrifying. There is nothing funny about a man in a wheelchair being humiliated and then dumped from a balcony, nothing.



Some violence in movies can be funny. Others are shocking. It's you call whether you find it funny or not.

"You know how crazy you are?"-Carson
"What, you mean the nature of this conversation?"-Anton

No Country for Old Men


why does someone always say something like you need help or you are an idiot for laughing at certain things in a movie.
everyone has there own opinion or disturbance level.


It's different when it's a film where it's not based on a true event. Equally bad and humiliating, if not worse, things happened to these people during the Holocaust. It is very rude for someone to laugh at that.


I totally agree. Since its a fact that the Nazis treated Jews like this its just horrifying. Maybe I could see why someone is able to find it funny, if the whole atmosphere of the movie and this scene in particular was anything else but terrifying.


The soldiers who were responsible for this despicable act probably laughed as they did it ... what does that tell you??


I actually can see the humor in it, the Germans lift the weelchair so casually and just throw the guy like if he was trash, then they bring the rest of the family downstairs and exectue them like if it were the most normal thing in the world.

It is completely horrifying, and really touching scenes, but there is something "amusing" about the lack of emotions of those nazi monsters.

If it weren't based on true facts, I would probably have found it funnier in a sadistic way, but realizing things like that ACTUALLY HAPPEN, only makes you really mad at these mindless creatures called Germans.

now this is acting:


I completely agree. Sometimes the only way to elicit a response, at something so absolutely shocking, is to laugh. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, thinking bad thoughts or anything like that.
One of my favorite all time movies, True Romance, the scene where the drug deal is about to go down and the guy wearing the wire just cracks up laughing. Not that I'm trying to compare the level of shock, but for that guy, that scene was his 'holocaust' because he knew if he screwed up he could have been dead or in jail, so he burst out laughing when it was not remotely funny.


If you laughed because you enjoyed it or found it funny, then yes, you are. If you laughed because it was so shocking that you had to disassociate your emotions and find something funny about the movie, then no, you are not.

What I couldn't understand is that the rest of the standing family didn't move a muscle. I expected their heads to raise or their hands to move, not in resistance, but not even a movement? They must have known what the soldier was saying.



" ... only makes you really mad at these mindless creatures called Germans. "

I agree with the rest of your post 100% but I take exception to this one line. Maybe you meant to say 'Nazis' ? Most Germans, like most Italians, French, Irish etc., could no more do such a thing as this than you or I. Many Germans kept silent out of fear and judge them as you might for that but, throwing a man confined to a wheelchair (or any person for that matter) off a balcony ? I don't think so ...
Your use of the word 'Germans' implies 'all'. I'm of 100% German ancestry and I wouldn't/couldn't do it so this alone proves my point I guess ...


Some people laugh inappropriately, even though they are very tender hearted. Check the other thread about the most shocking scene.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam




Lemner is right. Some people laugh at horrific events without intent. It's a primal defense mechanism... crying, screaming, laughing in situations of stress. I think we all would like to think how we would behave in trying situations.. but until we are in them it's hard to say.


I laughed at his.

It was not funny, it was horrible.
Sometimes, we, as humans, react this was when our sysetm gets overloaded. Some people laugh at funerals, sometimes, at horrible scenes (car wreck) something will take someone and they will laugh. It does not mean someone is sick, it does not mean that someone even thought what they were seeing was funny. It is simply an all too human reaction to an overload of the senses.




As many have said here, it's nothing wrong with laughing at scenes like this, the question is what the root of the laughter is - a mechanical defense of disturbance to make yourself feel better or pure sadism?
I didn't laugh, I rarely have any emotions when I watch movies or read books (comedies or whatever) except that I get chills down my spine and get thoughts within my head, and at time watery eyes at the beauty of the cinematography or the set up and climax of some scene which either appeal or appal to me.
But I actually think I put the palm of my hand up to my forehead at this scene, very disturbing event.
Also, this scene had a classic comical set up, so some people might react to the climax of this logical proceeding.

