The 'Penis cream'

A question about that doctor who sorted Jim out after his little accident with the superglue, why is it that he only gave him the extra cream to get better quicker AFTER he finds out he wants to be having sex in a week...
Wouldn't it have been normal to give him the cream anyway?? If there's something to shave days off his recovery surely the doc would've supplied it?

I'm not a nymphomaniac... I'm a compulsive liar.


In the film; for comedy reasons and Jim's father's jokes.

In reality; he would have recovered fine without it, it just would have took a few days longer, so to save money by not supplying unnecessary treatment I suppose.


This is the exact question I had too. If he could give it to him to heal even faster, then why didn't he do that initially? Oh well.

"If I wanted high maintenance I'd buy a Ferrari"
