How bad was this movie?

Sometimes I truly wonder what possesses Hollywood to churn out crap like this. I know it was a Cinderella feel good movie, but Lopez simply has lost the ability to act. Her last 3 have been stinkers.

THe plot is shallow, the characters not developed and I truly think this movie is a Lopez ego cash boost. Why does she still get leading lady gigs in films?


To say the truth I also think it was like watching Cindirella again. I just didn`t like the movie. I don`t even like J.Lo that much either, she is too vain. The movie was too plain and not a sucess. I didn`t find it that great.


The Film was a box office success, grossing over 93 Million and it got mixed reviews.


Ralph Fiennes was sexy...always is...but his best scenes were with Natasha Richardson. She was hilarious and his reactions to her were some of the best and most expressive scenes in the film. ("Get in the car!...Get in the car!"...I loved that!)

The good news is Ralph and Natasha are working together at this very moment filming a Merchant Ivory film in Shanghai called the White Countess. Check imdb for more information ...BTW...He will be blind in this one.


what the hell was Ralph thinking!!!I seriously can't believe he was in this movie out of his own free will.

talk about a big mistake.


I know many critics said this is not a "GOOD","SUPERB" Movie, etc. Well, people can say anything, but this film is quite entertaining.
Enjoying J. Lo and Ralph Fiennes in this movie doesn't make me become less intellectual and they don't become the "stupid" actors by accepting the roles (especially for Ralph). I don't know about J. Lo, but definetely Mr. Fiennes willing to take a chance. He's not arrogant enough to just accept the 'GOOD', 'SUPERB' Roles. He just want to do it. It's just a light romantic - comedy. Just enjoy it.

I saw this movie just one night after I watched DVD " Schindler's List " and I didn't compare that hard the actings from Mr. Fiennes. I just thought : " This actor really got a gut. He's willing to take a chance even on Romantic Comedy, even with J. Lo miss Alter-Ego. He's so humble".

I just enjoy the movie. Cinderella anyway always be repeated in many versions, more stupid or smarter..whatever. This movie makes me smile (Mr. Fiennes is definetely a prince and I replace J. Lo with my -self), and that's what matters.
