Whats with the shoes?

Hi, sorry if this question seems stupid to Americans, but I'm from Germany.
I'm just watching the movie and I noticed that at the beginning you see some pairs of shoes hanging from a wire over the street. Whats that supposed to mean? Maybe someone can answer me, I'm really curious.

Paranoia strikes deep


thats what kids do in the us,especially black and hispanic kids.its just playing around.


It often can be a sign of drug activity, at least traditionally.

Do women find it feminine to be so illogical, or can't they help it? - Cary Grant


So is it their own shoes that they don't want to wear anymore or is it shoes that they steal from people walking around there? An do they hide drugs in the shoes and somebody else (consumer) takes the shoes down and takes the drugs?

Sorry if this seems silly but I'm really curious about it.

Paranoia strikes deep


I don't know too much, so I may be the wrong person to ask - but I'm assuming it's their own shoes or random ones they pick up, and they very well may hide the drugs in the shoes but I think that it could just be an indicator that drugs are dealt at that location - they aren't necessairily in the shoes. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Do women find it feminine to be so illogical, or can't they help it? - Cary Grant


I've heard the shoes on the wire mark a place to get drugs or something like that.


Hi Ya'll,

Reader24-1 has it wrong. BULLIES torment kids by stealing their sneakers and throwing them on the phone wires since its TOO HIGH to get them back.

Last I checked--Bullies come in all different shape, sizes and colours. NOT just "black & hispanic kids"


I thought shoes hanging over a wire indicates someone died there. But apparently it can mean that or any of the responses listed here.



I used to hear that kids who graduated high school would throw the shoes they wore the last day of school on the wires.

I think "Captain Planet" is something that should be mandatory to watch nowadays.

Team Jacob!


I don't know what the other poster's talking about with his comments on it being an identifier of drugs. I don't know how prevalent it is in modern times but it seems like shoes on a power line came from back in the day (50s, 60's, 70's) and they were usually done by bullies taking a kid's shoes and throwing them out of reach.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


it means you're in the ghettooooo
