I've decided the only fathomable reason that Ralph Fiennes agreed to do this movie was because he was in dire financial straits in 2002. Perhaps he made a bad investment or bought a new home? To go from the sheer brilliance of "Schindler's List" to this absolutely dreadful rom-com makes me angry at him. I expect J-Lo to make terrible comedies, but not Ralph. That is purely Matthew McConaghey territory. Hopefully his paychecks from the Harry Potter movies means he will never do this again.
"To go from the sheer brilliance of "Schindler's List" to this absolutely dreadful rom-com makes me angry at him."
Yeah, because he didn't do anything of note between 1993 and 2002. [rolls eyes]
He gets labeled so much as this uber-serious actor who only does period dramas, so every now and then he tries to do something a little more light-hearted (see The Avengers, Wallace and Gromit, Prince of Egypt, and HP movies for examples). They usually aren't his best performances, but he's just trying to show his versatility. Believe me, he's done enough great things to make up for a few occasional missteps.
i agree with hc_afifan - he needs to do SOME stupid roles/less awesome roles. can u imagine only doing intense movies over and over and over again? you get something like mel gibson directing. if you see a movie title and underneath it it says 'directed by mel gibson' the crowd automatically groans cuz everything he directs is intense LOL (btw im not ripping on mel, he shows versatility also!! i like him, just he needs to direct something thats less than 3hrs lol)
so yaaah for ralph for shaking off his intensity and doing something mindless and fun - can u imagine memorizing all the lines in schindlers list, nevermind act such an awesome role? poor guy mustve been tuckered out lol
Seriously. What a bunch of haters. It was a cute cinderella movie. And he was smoking hot in it. I don't think I've seen another movie that showcased his gorgeous eyes and smile so much. As a Ralph fan, I just consider this a nice little gratuitous tribute to his pretty.