MovieChat Forums > House of 1000 Corpses (2003) Discussion > How is this movie ranking a 5.8?

How is this movie ranking a 5.8?

It's not the goddamn Shining or The Thing or The Exorcist, but its really good, you would have to be anti-horror-violence-black humor-intellectual to give this less than a 6.

I was really effected the first time I watched this. I had seen Texas Chainsaw, and several other films that tread this same type of territory. But the use of point of view cameras, the use of the villains explaining their crazed theology, the use of slo-mo when killing a cop/revealing a torture dungeon, the family themselves shrugging off all these horrors while simultaneously perpetuating them!

Its a good movie, I like it more than most so maybe I am just inclined/biased, but it certainly deserves a 8.0+ rating. a 5.8 means people are ranking it consistently at a 1 or 2, which is *beep* idiotic. I guess you people have never seen Manos, any Ed Wood films, Mitchell, any existing films that truly rank at a 1 or a 2. You have no concept of a 1-10 rating scale. The craft and fun while simultaneously disturbing notes at work here are far better than its rating. *beep* you people.

"Nobody knows anybody, not that well..." - Miller's Crossing



I gave the film a rating of 10 myself. It is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'd say that I must have seen it at least 30 times. The characters are the most interesting thing about it. They all have their own eccentric, unique personalities that set them apart from any other character in any other movie. No matter how many times I watch this movie, it never gets old. It is always a blast to watch and is very fun. It also has an atmosphere of surrealism about it and a good use of color. I don't see why people dislike this film either. Sure, it is rather violent and gory but that doesn't equal a bad movie. In people's minds, all horror films that show violence rather than merely implying it are cheap and pointless and I've never understood that. No, horror doesn't have to have 800 gallons of blood to be good but a horror movie can still be good even if it does. There are good horror movies of all kinds; both bloodless/psychological and over the top violence and gore can be good if done right.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


A 10?!?! Are you kidding me? A fun, enjoyable flick but a 10? Wow, to each his or her own but a 10 is a masterpiece with literally zero flaws. Oh well. Enjoy your "masterpiece," this thing teemed with cliche and expected twists from the get go.


This one should be 6,3 and TDR should be 7,5


This one should be 6,3 and TDR should be 7,5


Meh. People just love to hate Rob Zombie's movie because they're Rob Zombie's movies. On top of that, he makes flicks that just aren't for wide consumption but he's popular enough that they still get it. Many of these people are just more conditioned to the PG-13 horror flicks that are the staple of todays genre.


This and Devils Rejects were great but the rest of Bob Zombie's films suck.



I rate it 10/10. I own it on DVD.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


I gave it the full 10.


I loved this and Lords of Salem.


The reason it's less than 6 is fairly simple. There is not a single original moment in the entire film. I was entertained, but it's nothing special.
