MovieChat Forums > House of 1000 Corpses (2003) Discussion > Missing scenes from original NC-17 cut?

Missing scenes from original NC-17 cut?

I know this film went through quite the process when it came to the MPAA and made them tone down the content significantly from what I remember. I know this version of the film will never come out, but does anyone even have any ideas as to what was so graphic/ disturbing/ shocking, etc. that "needed" to be trimmed down? Any help would be great. I've seen this movie several times over the past few years and have always wondered this.


Well, I'll explain it as best I can since I too was dissapointed about the lack of blood and gore

- bill's death scene was longer and way more gruesome since they actually showed the creation of fishboy (graphic)

- Mary gets stabbed ten times instead of five (graphic)

- Mary gets tied to a cross and the cross is doused in gasoline and set on fire (disturbing)

- the firefly family celebrates after Mary is burned and smash up a police car (sadistic)

- jerry gets eaten alive by three zombies (graphic)

- Denise gets chased by zombies and gets huge chunks of flesh torn from her legs in the process (graphic)

- when Denise gets ready to climb out of the underground, one of the zombies tries to pull her back down and she kicks the *beep* out of it (brutal/intense)

- people in biohazard suits dig up a corpse in the firefly family's backyard (disturbing/creepy)

- huge chunks of bloody meat were found in the shed Mary was in and pentagrams were carved on several dead bodies (graphic)

- captain Spaulding drove a truck instead of a convertible and raveli was with him and he grabbed Denise and yanked her to the back of the truck (intense)

- captain Spaulding hit a panic button and we then saw raveli who was sitting in a red room who saw the alarm and put on the clown head (this was taken out due to color problems so not too bad), raveli then hit the first robber in the head with a sledge hammer (brutal)

there you go, that's all the graphic and disturbing stuff that got taken out, it was 17-32 minutes of footage that got taken out, and another thing I should note the scene where Rufus was driving through the field after getting drunk was originally longer but that seemed like a more random scene. and one last thing, his upcoming movie 31 will be several times more gruesome than all his previous films including this one, he promised that 31 will feature insane amounts of blood, guts, and extreme gore


Wow that is a crazy amount of details! Do you have a link to possibly verify this?


if you click on the alternate versions option, it tells you what stuff was taken out that I mentioned, I have seen a still photo of jerry being eaten by the zombies and a still of Mary being tied to the cross in a music video for the self titled theme song on YouTube, and in an early trailer, they show the seen with the people in the biohazard suits digging up the corpse, and the rest of the footage I mentioned is in the first draft of the script from 2000


Thanks for typing that all out. I used to have this movie on DVD but I don't any more because I gave it to my brother because this is his all time favorite movie.

I'm going to buy the blu-ray, but, I hear that doesn't have any of the bonus features. Which doesn't make any sense to me. That can't be true.


No problem, and, I heard there was some sort of mini game on the blu Ray, I'm not 100% sure though, and how could the blu Ray not have any special features?, that's unfortunate because they usually do have em


I liked the DVD 'options' where you're greeted by Captain Spaulding and if you don't choose anything, he rants for about five minutes!


Damn you know your stuff! Thank you! Now if only I can actually see the damn thing...


My pleasure, if you need any more help, just let me know


Wow. Thanks for the info, darthsitkur.

Back off! ... Way off!


No problem hecantune, it's incredibly unfortunate that the NC-17 cut never came out on DVD and blu-ray, but the fact that we're getting the NC-17 cut of 31 on DVD and blu-ray totally makes up for it since they've said it's far more gruesome than all of Rob's previous work combined


I know I'm really excited to see it too! I have a feeling that it will have a similar vibe to House of 1000 Corpses which is going to make it even cooler. I also think that it could potentially be his best work since The Devil's Rejects.


