Season 1: - Josh. Not a huge fan of any of these people but he was a cutie.
Season 2: - Dr. Will. What a man. Honestly. His charm and manipulation skills have only been rivaled by a few other players in 17 other seasons of Big Brother.
SEASON 3 - Danielle. The true robbed queen of Big Brother. She pioneered some basic game strategies that most of the other players during her season (as well as BB2) did not encompass. Probably my favorite player ever. Also her secret alliance with Jason is one of the best in BB history.
Season 4: Jun. She was so sneaky and kind of evil but I love her for it. Honorable mention goes to Allison who I think also played a great game but pissed off too many people. But man was she fun to watch.
Season 5: Nakomis. Another player who was one of the first great strategists to play. She basically created the first backdoor and really deserved to win the game, in my opinion.
Season 6: Janelle. Even though she wasn't that great of a strategist, she was just so polarizing and a great foil to the Nerd Herd. Also she's a legend.
Season 7: Dr. Will (again). A lot of the jurors from this season have stated that if he was in the the F2 he would have won again. He basically controlled the entire season and Boogie owes his win to hottie Dr. Will, honestly.
Season 8: Eric. I so wish we could have seen him play his own game because I really want to know how he would have done. But he owned America's Player and was very adaptable to situations that were beyond his control.
Season 9: Ryan. I just felt like he was the most likeable out of the least likeable Big Brother cast to ever appear on my TV screen.
Season 10: Duh. Dan. He was in a horrible position after Week 1 and still managed to navigate his way to the only unanimous vote in BB history. Honorable mention goes to Keesha, who I also love dearly and wish she would have made it to the F2.
Season 11: Honestly, Michele is my pick for this one. I just watched this season again recently and she was HILARIOUS, especially the way she talked back to Lydia. Girl had some amazing comebacks. An odd pick but she entertained me so, thanks Michele.
Season 12: My love Britney. The funniest HG to ever appear on the show, in my opinion. I never get tired of watching her and she never fails to make me lol.
Season 13: Rachel. Love her or hate her, the girl makes for great television.
Season 14: Ian. Although I love Dan, I am one of "those" who thinks that Ian deserved the win over him. He was quirky and likable, was able to win comps when he needed to and made a great strategy move by selling Boogie out to the Quack Pack.
Season 15: Amanda. Even though she said some HORRIBLE things, she dominated most of the game and I just think she's hilarious. I would love to see Amanda back again.
Season 16: Zach. Although he wasn't the best player, he started a lot of drama and in a less than stellar season, to me he was a highlight.
Season 17: Vanessa, hands down. I'm still so sad that she didn't win. She was an amazing strategist and really was playing to win the entire time.
Season 18: Da'vonne. Even though she isn't great at the game she kept it real and did not hesitate to call Paulie out on his bs, so she wins this season for me.
BBOTT - Shelby. I watched pretty regularly for the first half but I got burned out towards the end, but Shelby always made me laugh. So I choose Shelby.
And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite.