I just realized something...

The scene where Benjamin freaks out over Andy taking over his bathroom doesn't make much sense. He notices the pink towel, the toothbrush, and all the feminine products in his medicine cabinet and starts yelling.

What I'm confused about is, didn't he notice all the changes she made to his apartment when she came over for dinner (when he made lamb but she lied about being a vegetarian)? She decorated his apartment with all other pink stuff and girly stuff and he didn't really freak out? He said "I saw the new comforter and those are cute." I know the feminine products was more of a stretch but you think he wouldn't be as freaked out.


It seems like men are really terrified by feminine hygiene products. Way too many guys get totally mental about things like menstrual pads or tampons.

Tough luck, chinless


Which is so childish but I could understand his fear if it was only 4-5 days after meeting her lol


Its been said in similar movies (im not 100% about this one) that once a woman takes over the bathroom its all over.


He didn't freak out at first because she probably added much more stuff a second time around in order to make him really freak out, which he did. A plant, some teddy bears, a pink toilet carpet and a pink towel are i suppose tolerable, but then to empty his cabinet of all his stuff and replace them with her own products without prior agreement is obviously pushing the envelope no matter how long one has been with somebody else. That's why he freaked out in my view.

As for the person who said men are usually terrified by feminine hygiene products, i don't think it's necessarily true, even if i can only speak for myself. The problem is not the products themselves but the invasion of privacy. The same way you wouldn't want to find my razor or my shaving cream in place of your own things, I wouldn't want to try to shave only to find tampons and see that my stuff is in some other drawer. That's the issue here. The fact that it had been only a few days doesn't help the matter obviously.

As for men who do have a problem with feminine products in general, well, what can I say, they are morons. As long as both have acceptable standards of hygiene and i don't find tampons in my food or my name written on the mirror with menstrual blood e.g. "Food's in the oven XOXOX", i'm perfectly fine with it and other men should be too.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs
