
I think the best thing about this movie is Victor Garber!
He played Sid very well.
He is so handsome and cool to!

Victor Rock....


Yes, I liked Victor Garber in this movie too!


I didn't think he looked much like Sid Luft.


I don't know how he looked like!


I don't think any of the actors looked like their 'real life' counterparts, except for Tammy Blanchard.


I didn't think that Tammy Blanchard looked like Judy at first, but she certainly became Judy. Particularly in the scene in Artie Shaw's car-she looks virtually exactly the same. But of course, she didn't have Judy's eyes-noone could ever match those beautiful eyes of Judy's.


Victor Garbor did do a good job, but he doesn't look anything like Sid Luft, Victor is much more handsome. I thought that Judy Davis looked like Judy at the end of her life, but overall no one really looked perfect to the real person in this movie. I actually thought though at the end the girl playing Liza Minelli looked a lot like the Liza of Cabaret.


Victor was effin awsome as Sid!!!
And Victor is SOO Gorgeous!!!
Such a hotty ;),and im only 15.ha



lol...what is your point?



I enjoyed Victor Gerber's performance in this movie and this is coming from someone who has not enjoyed a Victor Garber performance since he played Jesus in the 1973 film GODSPELL.


Victor never lets me down in anything he does and in this movie, I watched it from like 1am to 4am the other day, I found myself strangely attracted to him. It was kinda creepy....cause that's never happened to me before with him....I'm really glad to know I'm not the only one.

