Australia Concert Scene Cut From DVD?

I had seen this movie on television and recently seen the DVD version, and I thought that I had noticed that part of the scene at her Austrlian concert was cut? I remember seeing on the television version, her coming out on stage, forgetting the words to the song, and the Australian crowd heckling her, then starting to walk out right before she left the stage......Why was this cut from the DVD release?


On the VHS set, the Australian concert was shown. Sad scene. It was indeed cut from the DVD. Another cut scene was Judy's curtain speech at the 1967 Palace show. It was longer on the DVD and cut on the VHS.



There were several cut scenes on the DVD which made me mad otherwise I would have just kept my VHS copy! Besides the ones mentioned, another was a scene between Judy Davis and Hugh Laurie as her husband Vicente right before she performs the 'Trolley Song' scene in Meet Me in St. Louis. It was another strong scene from Judy Davis, and I really don't understand why they cut it!? Yet another scene was when Judy finds out her boyfriend is having an affair with another man. They cut out the scene that shows him half naked walking out and Lorna and the housekeeper run to help Judy who has a big gash on her head and is bleeding.


aand yet in the lifetime movie adult lorna narrates about how poorly the Australia concert went...why not just leave the scene in?


Hell--why edit a TV film @ all?

Carpe Noctem



This scene was not on the original airing of the film on abc either. I just rewatched and checked for it.
I just got a copy of the 2 vhs set and both the Australia concert scene where Judy is out-of-it and her being hit by Mark when she confronts him about sleeping with poolboy are ON IT! Both WONDERFUL scenes. I have no clue why they were left out of the dvd, as they were not that long really. I bet Lorna Luft (ick) had some say in that bogus editing.

Be kind. Don't Flame.
