MORE EYES!........

I laughed outloud during that part. She just looked so funny.


What do you mean by MORE EYES?




You laughed because she was drugged out of her skull? You're an idiot.


I didn't laugh during that part in Me and My Shadows, but I did chuckle when I saw later the movie it was from: Girl Crazy. Then I felt bad - Busby Berkely really worked her hard, and he did it disdainfully, from what I read. If you saw "Girl Crazy" first then saw "Me and My Shadows", you can laugh a little - "Oh, THAT'S why her eyes were so un-naturally large".

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


I hate that scene.

He was so mean to her!

The director's behavior in that scene makes me want to scream at him, "Are you blind? You CAN see her eyes! What's wrong with you?!"


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I am such a fan of Berkeley, that I hated the scene in this movie.
People keep writing things like "he was so cruel to Judy" etc. but have you ever seen his earlier work at WB? I can just imagine him shouting instructions at the girls doing the famous "By A Waterfall" sequence. If he was "mean" it's because he was a perfectionist, and I doubt he only ever behaved like this in front of Judy Garland.


But at the same time, she looked JUST like Garland while she was doing that.

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
