Tammy Blanchard, a joy.
Tammy brought this movie to life. She may not be the most well known actress, or the most far out when it comes to dramatization, but she made this movie the Judy Garland experience. She brought a quiet grace, and vulnerability we never got to see in Judy off screen. Not only did she act the part, she looked the part. Every time I see her, I see Judy. She is a dead ringer for Ms. Garland.
If anyone of you liked her performance in this movie, check out her remake of "Sybil" I did not think anyone could do that role justice but Sally Field, until I saw Tammy's name in the credits. Inspiring, thrilling, and brilliant.
She is one to watch, keep your eyes peeled for more wonderful pieces this girl will wow you with.
"I am a lover and have not found my thing to love"~Sherwood Anderson