was he gay??

am i correct in thinking judy's father was gay because he was holding the man's hand at the beginning??


I don't think anyone knows for sure. There have been rumours about Judy herself and just about everyone she was close to about being gay or bisexual. I don't think there is really any hard evidence for Vincente, which is why many get angry when someone states this as fact. I think there is even less in Judy's father's case.


I read that he was atleast bisexual.


Most biographies of Garland do implie that her father did have relatioships with other men.


it's not for certain if judy's father was bisexual. judy herself wouldn't comment on it, due to the fact that his death impacted her life so profoundly. judy herself wasn't bisexual.



Judy was not bi. Prove she was bi, I bet you can't just like I can't prove she wasn't.



I thought you were going to ask about Mickey Rooney. He certainly seemed gay in this. The rumors and speculation about Judy Garland, her husband's, boyfriend's and her father have been swirling around for years.
