This book by Nicci French was SO good! You understood why Alice was scared of Adam. They totally Adam and his sister in this film and created a horrible film. Adam was so much darker in the book and Alice wasn't a stupid ditz.
I haven't seen the film but just read the book. Spoiler ahead for anyone who hasn't read the book. I notice that in the film it end up being an incest ending between Adam and his sister. In the book Adam just hangs himself when the police find one of the girls he murdered.
Just wondering why they change between book and film?
I think that if they tried to film the book directly it would have gone on forever. The book is much better that the movie though, but a good interpretation none the less. Nicci French is a great author and her novels are erily calm and a bit close to the bone. Wonder how freaky she is in real life . . . .