MovieChat Forums > Killing Me Softly (2002) Discussion > I missed something.. Any help?

I missed something.. Any help?

I watched the movie on TV last night and missed like a minute or two right at the end..And therefor didn't quite understand the ending...:(

When I was watching it my brother changed the channel to see if Twin Peaks had begun (they're reruns, but he hasn't seen it before). He watched the "previously on" thing and when the opening credits begun I turned it back to the movie.. And I missed everything between Alice shooting Adam's sister with the gun and Adam walking away from Alice as Alice's voice says something like "that was the end of our relationship"...
Could someone tell me what happened in between and why did they break up...if Adam really did love Alice and wanted to protect her and all and he wasn't the horrible murderer Alice thought he was...? Was it because she shot his sister? But didn't Alice shoot Deborah because she was just about to kill Adam? ...I'm a bit confused..:D I would've wanted them to be together..:P Don't know why though...maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. :D

I'd be really grateful if someone could lighten things for me..:P Thanks already! :)

The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock, and like a clock, it regularly went cockoo.



u shoulda stuck to twin peaks..


Hmm...I reckon that (honestly, I'm awful at figuring out whats going to happen, but it was obvious the sister was a little (lol, a little) nuts, and for once I got what was going to happen before it actually did (admittedly, the flash of understanding only dawned when they were in the graveyard)) but basically Adam obviously didn't kill the women, Alice shot Deborah cos she was about to kill Adam, and I guess eventually Alice and Adam loved Alice and all, but he needed her to take the jump (or, more fittingly in this case, the climb) and trust him entirely, but she couldn't do that and he just couldn't carry the relationship on or something. But basically, he's disturbed but not *bad* and she is a fool for marrying him without thinking.


Sorry...Im a little taken aback about the Twin Peaks reference...WHEN IS IT ON?? AND WHAT CHANNEL?? *excited*
(I watched Killing me Softly btw...very bizarre..)


basically adam and the sister (deborah) *beep* each other when they were young.

deborah killed adams ex. coz she was jealous

deborah was digging a hole to put alice in it

alice show deborah.

they seperated after that.

the end


I saw the end and I was not distracted but I have no idea why they separated. There are many things that the movie never explains, such as how much Adam knew. I don't know the relevance of the rape allegations and whether that was true. Also, if Adam was happy and not a monster then why did he frown so much? Also, in the beginning, did Adam say anything more to Alice than what is your name before Alice fell on the floor and got naked with him? This movie would have been a big flop without Heather Graham.
