I missed something.. Any help?
I watched the movie on TV last night and missed like a minute or two right at the end..And therefor didn't quite understand the ending...:(
When I was watching it my brother changed the channel to see if Twin Peaks had begun (they're reruns, but he hasn't seen it before). He watched the "previously on" thing and when the opening credits begun I turned it back to the movie.. And I missed everything between Alice shooting Adam's sister with the gun and Adam walking away from Alice as Alice's voice says something like "that was the end of our relationship"...
Could someone tell me what happened in between and why did they break up...if Adam really did love Alice and wanted to protect her and all and he wasn't the horrible murderer Alice thought he was...? Was it because she shot his sister? But didn't Alice shoot Deborah because she was just about to kill Adam? ...I'm a bit confused..:D I would've wanted them to be together..:P Don't know why though...maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. :D
I'd be really grateful if someone could lighten things for me..:P Thanks already! :)
The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock, and like a clock, it regularly went cockoo.