Beatrixs theme

Anyone know where I can download/listen to this online?

I love it I think its one of the most beautiful pieces of music in all the FF games, and thats saying somethign since pretty much all of the musics awesome.

The Single White Rose of Wutai Yuffie Kisaragi

Squall: "...I dreamt I was a moron"


Check your PMs.

You don’t think Einstein liked hacking guy's feet off?



Good call. How is it even possible to beat this game in under 12 hours? It wouldn't be very fun either...


Actually, it all depends on the translation.

I've seen "The Sword of Doubt" being thrown around - the same with "Loss of Me" instead of "Rose of May". Though whether that's a phonetic mix-up, I don't know.

But judging by the fact that the OP called it "beautiful", I'm guessing that Loss of Me / Rose of May is the one she's looking for.

Incidentally, there's a third 'Beatrix' theme - "Protecting My Devotion" - which is played whilst she and Steiner are purging Alexandria. All three of them have the same melody, albeit in different styles. In "Sword" the melody is played slowly and sombrely, in "Rose / Loss" it's more upbeat and quicker (but still fairly slow), and finally in "Devotion" it's upbeat and fast-paced.

...I know that music too well...

You don’t think Einstein liked hacking guy's feet off?



Here's a link to all the music heard in the game. It's fast and easy, just click on a song, and you can even save them.


aye Ive downloaded it thanks guys

The Single White Rose of Wutai Yuffie Kisaragi

Squall: "...I dreamt I was a moron"
