This game was so good!!

I just beat it for the first time, my brothers played it like 7 years ago when I wasn't interested...but this game is so fun!! THe ending is so sad and now im obsessed with that melodies of life song. This game is underrated. :)

Why? Why do you have the Keyblade? Shutup!


the greatest game in the world.......BY FAR!


Not sure about in the world but it is an awesome game. i only finished it a few days ago fo rth efirst time as well and i thought it was really cool. How did it do with fans and critics at time of release?

You're flirtin' with death, son.


True, for me it's still the best Final Fantasy.

And I have the feeling that the fans where happy with the game, especially due the nostalgic feeling that the game has and for the critics you just have to look at

A 93.


It will always be my favorite. It was the game that got me hooked on playstation.

Don't forget to wash your hands after reading this



IX is one of my favorite FF games! It was so good and so emotional. I really loved all the characters. (even Quina). There was great chemistry between the cast. Too bad many people started with VII and VIII and quickly dismissed this game.


I agree, I was hoping so much to see someone that doesn't like FF 7 or 8 which I dont have a problem with but 9 has got to be the best one yet.


i grew up wit 7 but 9 is #1 wit 7. there both good. i just cant deside witch of the 2 is better. 8 was horrible

go here


Yeah, VIII was never my thing. Went way off course of what the series is supposed to be. VII did different things too, but didn't go overboard and the excellent story helped. IX made a return to the glory days of I-VI, and did so many things right. Great story, characters, gameplay, class system, music, it's all superb.

Now human lives and histories are simply pawns in the great game of dominion.....DOOM'S GAME


I have always loved FFIX, sadly it is underated, but if you ask me is waaayyyy better than FFXII.

I think FFXII is the most overated FF of all

Good gurls are just bad gurls that haven't been caught.
