Re:Festival of the Hunt

Did anyone feel a bit uncomfortable with the animals being caged then hunted in the Festival of the Hunt? I love this game but i can't decide if that is a bad thing to have in the game...


It didn't bother me. I guess animal cruelty has just never been an issue with video games for me.

Don't forget to wash your hands after reading this



It's funny that. Remember that ATE where the item shop lady in Lindblum uses the word "animals" rather than "monsters" when she's telling Vivi about the festival?

You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!

(Kefka, FFVI)


Yeah, but after Vivi runs out she's like "Oh God, did I say "animals" again!?".

But either way, it's never bothered me.

87 hours is an eternity. The cosmos was created in less time.


its a game... I've seen far worst in others.




I haven't (the way you do it is to kill off Freya in the Zaghnol battle and then kill off Zidane) - though from memory it is a rare card. Possibly the Theatre Ship card, if I remember correctly.

Though I guess you can get one of those later, so it's not that rare.

"Smells like crotch."



No problem!

"Smells like crotch."

