The End - Assimilation?

Although the ending of FFIX appears happy I've picked up on something that never seems to be mentioned. I may be wrong but it's been bothering me. After the credits roll and everything appears happy we see an image of a red planet and a blue planet collide.

We're already informed by Kuja that the assimilation has already begun, we've already lost, we're too late ect. Was this the case? Did Terra assimilate Gaia? Are we left to ponder who survived and if they were able to "rebuild homes" ect as Zidane described?

If anyone else has knowledge on this it would be appreciated,



p.s: IX = the best FF by miles.


hmm... I never noticed it. Im gonna have to watch it again.


This always interested me as no-one ever touched on the subject. Makes me so eager for a sequel of some sort. I'd happy empty my bank account to get one =).



Zidane does mention something along the lines of "I dont care if this planet is destroyed we'll rebuild a new society" ectect. So maybe they survived? If not it still makes a good ending imo. <3 Kuja.


I think it's only meant to be a metaphor for the relationship between Zidane and Dagger. He's from Terra, she's from Gaia, and they fall in love over the course of the game -- the two worlds coming together, if you will. And the last thing we see right before the image of the two planets "colliding" is the ending scene with them embracing, which suggests to me that it's meant to represent their relationship.

All that stuff Kuja said about the assimilation being inevitable or whatever always kind of struck me more as a "give up, go home, you can't beat me, you can't win" speech. I mean, by that point he'd already pretty much destroyed Terra and all of the Genomes that would gain souls from the assimilation process were living on Gaia, so I figured Terra was totally destroyed and couldn't assimilate any more planets.


This also could be true, it sounds nicer but my ending leaves room for a sequel.

Although that could easily kill it.


haha i always thought those two colliding spheres were the two moons the Gaia had. Remember seeing it at the beginning of the game when the play began? That's what i thought it was...


I believe it is the twin moons of Gaia, because if you play the card game alot, you eventually get the Two Moons card, and if you look at it, the two moons are red and blue and seem to be colliding into each other.
