Garnet or Dagger?

One thing that is strange in FFIX is how they all still refer to the princess as her 'secret name' like the given Dagger or as I called her, Vicky (after my girlfriend)!
If everyone in Gaia or at least Brahne and the nights of pluto knew her plans of being kidnapped and escaping from being a princess in Alexandria, then why didnt all the role playing characters call her Garnet again instead of having to protect her identity?

Game rating for me: 9/10 I'd give it 10 out of 10 if they made the bosses tougher, especially Trance Kuja & Necron. A good example of a nice boss battle has to be Ultimecia from FFVIII


Didn't Garnet not want to use her real name anymore? Maybe that's why they continued calling her Dagger (havent played the game in a while)

... insert signature here ...


Well, Garland calls her Garnet when he talks about the memories

When i get the Namingway card, i always change the name back to Garnet.

I'm 1120 years old! Just give me a frickin beer!


The name her mother gave her is Sarah. It can be found, though not easily, on the Eidolon Wall at Madain Sari. Neither Garnet nor Dagger are her real names. Remember that she was adopted.
