Any Good 2-Player Role-Playing Games?
Does anyone know? Thanks!
Thank you for the help! :)
I also heard that Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II
Champions of Norrath
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Champions: Return to Arms
are 2-player games. Are they any good?
shareFor sure check out the entire Dark Alliance series. Champions of Norrath is the best!!! I use to play these games with my ex boyfriend. They are BY FAR the best 2 player games I have found. Otherwise check out the Lord of the Rings games. Most of them are 2 players, and they are ok.
"Viva Wisconsin"
If you can get Final Fantasy IV and VI for the playstation, they are VERY good games, and the PS versions let you play multiplayer. They might not be as fun to play with two people though since one will be controling the main character while walking around the screen. It is fun during battles and boss fights. Or if you want to have a little fun and give the characters their own special voices. ;) Be warned though. The PS versions of these games have some very slow loading times. Espeically when you go into the main menue or save.
I recommend them more for the GBA.
You can also play 2 player in FF9
Lets win the war against polystyrene foam. Hocky isn't going anywhere!
I've been playing Tales of the Abyss lately, and it is pretty cool, and you can also play it with a partner if you wish (hell, even 4 people i think!)
Good gurls are just bad gurls that haven't been caught.
You can play final fantasy 11 online.
Its actually very addicting, but after
a few months, it gets repetitive, and
you might get bored of it. Plus, you have
to pay monthly. So i dont know if you
want to do that, but its a nice game.
Also, final fantasy cristal chronicles.
But personally, i didnt like that
game very much, but thats just me.
How do you play 2 player in FF9?
I looked forever for a fun multiplayer game and I think the one that was the best was Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.