why was she on the floor when bird came into the house i dont get it?..it was on the help eposide...and why can't she accept the fact that she need help?


She had just had one of her panic attacks. She ended up being on the floor, starting at the front door, when she was about to leave, to go back to the office. She couldn't breathe and of course the panic attack brought her to her knees. Hope this helps...


yes it helps but im talking about the part where bird went into her house and she heard a noise and saw her feet ?>.remember that?


Hmmm... all I can remember is Teri asleep by the couch.

And walking into her house you could see her feet.

I'll have to watch that episode over.


Teri always had a tough exterior to me I think due to the fact that she was the oldest sibling and her sisters depend on her alot. She's not one to show a lot of emotions so she bottles up her feelings. She may feel that excepting help from others will show her weakness perhaps?

I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.

-Joyce Meyers


Terri was on the floor was because of her panic attacks. I just think she was ashamed of her sickness and she never wanted to be weaked around her sisters..
