black men are starting to prefer white, hispanic and Asian women, over black females.
Maxine - The bossy, nagging homemaker who think she is all that, being the strong black woman, who thinks she is right ALL of the time.
Teri - The insensitive, uppity arrogant lawyer, being the emotionally unstable black woman, who thinks she is right ALL of the time.
Bird - The naive, materialistic hairdresser, being the young, immature thug/suave-crazy black woman, who is hardly ever right and makes a ****load of mistakes.
And what do they ALL have in common, ALL 3 of them are nasty drama queens.
Kenny and Lem should have their heads examined to put up with such nonsense, and Damon is just another charming, lowlife bum who knows how to get into Teri pants, without making a dime to prove himself.
The black men who actively chose not to date black women are part of the self hating culture in black America. If you take a sample size of black women and conclude that something is wrong with all of them, it reflects more on you than black women as a while. I believe you attract certain type of people, so if you keep getting the same results, you need to ask yourself some long hard questions.
It's funny, only women are called bossy, especially BLACK women. But, part of the reason Maxine thinks she is all that is because of Kenny and how he treats her like she is all that. Even then, what is wrong with being self-confident. In an age where many young women are insecure, it is said that young black women are the most secure (well, in comparison to whites).
Terri is very frank and can say what she means rather than beating around the bush--perhaps she should word it a better way, but I don't think anything is wrong with honesty. Uppity is a coded word about upperclass black people who like things that are considered "finer". Terri is a talented lawyer who doesn't get the proper respect in a male dominated, white environment. I think emotionally unstable is a strong term. She isn't emotionally unstable, she is overwhelmed and doesn't feel like she can talk to anyone and/or it's a weakness. She is too busy trying to tend to other people needs and focusing on her career, that she neglects her emotional needs.
Bird may be materialistic, I'm not sure, but she has her own business and provides for herself. She is VERY supportive of Lem despite his job troubles and troubles with the law, which some black men complain that black women aren't. Why can't she be young and make mistakes--other people don't?
Reading your descriptions, it seems as if the Joseph sisters are three types of women in the black community. But, there are things that you are failing to realize: in America, it is important to be right. But, in the Joseph family, you have three strong willed strong women who clash because of philosophical differences. Terri wants to establish a career, Maxine wants to be a stay at home mom, and Bird wants to have a business and have fun. The way the view the black community and their experiences are very different. There is also a skin color conflict between the sisters as well.
Bird was an upgrade over whatever Lem had had before and he was the cause of many issues. Kenny had his issues as well. And Damon wasn't a low life bum. His parents were upper middle class or rich and he could have become a lawyer, but wanted to follow his own path. He proved himself with his sports agent career, but it fell apart because he started drinking when Christine killed herself in front of his eyes. It was very traumatic because she killed herself in front of his eyes and it was the first time he ever lost someone.
Yet, and still, black women prefer to be alphas, whereas the men they continue to attract (regardless of color) are forever losers (thugs-suave-class clown-blue collar hero) just to make themselves (the women) look good.
"All is fair in love and business." - Benjamin Franklin
black men are starting to prefer white, hispanic and Asian women, over black females.
Maxine - The bossy, nagging homemaker who think she is all that, being the strong black woman, who thinks she is right ALL of the time.
Teri - The insensitive, uppity arrogant lawyer, being the emotionally unstable black woman, who thinks she is right ALL of the time.
Bird - The naive, materialistic hairdresser, being the young, immature thug/suave-crazy black woman, who is hardly ever right and makes a ****load of mistakes.
And what do they ALL have in common, ALL 3 of them are nasty drama queens.
Kenny and Lem should have their heads examined to put up with such nonsense, and Damon is just another charming, lowlife bum who knows how to get into Teri pants, without making a dime to prove himself
First of all, most black men prefer black women.
And Maxine, Teri, and Bird were not perfect, but they were beautiful, relatable and good people. For every flaw that Bird, Teri, or Maxine made.......I've seen just as many women of other races behave similar or much worse.
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The generalization is way OTT. Max, Teri and Bird are archetypals that exist in all races and ethnicities. There are plenty of TV shows that feature their White or Hispanic counterparts. Furthermore, as someone else said, for every unlikable or unlikeable stereotypical trait each of them had, there were at least two endearing characteristics about them.
Max was opinionated and bossy...but is wise, nurturing, comforting and basically the woman every man wants to eventually settle down with and marry; someone who'll ultimately be a good wife and mother.
Teri is uppity and arrogant, but she's also sophisticated, intelligent, refined and to her core has a lot of heart and is a good role model.
And Bird, despite her immaturity and impulsive nature, tended to make Lem feel needed in a way that every man ultimately appreciates from his wife and was loyal to those she was close to.
To me, they were all multidimensional, with good and bad qualities -- like real people are.