...stinks like sex in here.”
Wait a minute... who am I here?
...and that was the second time I got crabs
My God, he was innocent!
He went to the chair two years ago, Frank.
“All right, listen.
Next time this kind of thing happens... I want you to stop, take a deep breath...
...and pull your heads out of each other's asses, would ya?”
Wait a minute... who am I here?
That scene is comedic genius! From the pitch black cut in where the crabs are talked about to the close up of Ram's face...reefer.
I will admit, it took me a couple of viewings to really appreciate what I was watching, but there were several other guys I worked with at the TSA that had also just watched it, so that made it better. We had one guy we called Farva because every time we did he'd just laugh his head off!
And of course when passengers would bring their luggage by we'd play the meow game.
Good times it was...good times.