What "Games" Were Thorn and Rabbit Playing During Intro...
...if any?
It seems, at minimum, Rabbit and Thorn were pulling a repeater (quite well I might add).
But all the goofy things they did:
1. they hit the breaks, wait until they are behind the dopers, turn on their sirens, force the car off the road, and pass the car up
2. they circle back behind the parked car and officially pull them over
3. during the 1st pullover, thorn talks with this teeth showing
4. thorn questions the driver's speed knowing it's below the limit
5. rabbit pulls a repeater (how fast you were going)
6. rabbit pulls another repeater (yeah sure)
7. thorn/rabbit get back in cop car and leave passing dopers on the right shoulder
8. thorn stops about 100 yards aheads, speeds backwards, gets behind the dopers, and pulls them over a 2nd time (huge repeater)
9. thorn comes up to driver side door with a flash light, in broad daylight.
10. thorn pulls another huge repeater by going through the same questioning routine
11. rabbit repeats "freaking out"
12. the littering and... repeater
Lots of gags here (i may have missed a few).