This game just rules.....

I don't care what anyone says. This game impressed the hell out of me when I first played around Christmas 2000. Today's games have surpassed it in different ways, but I always pull out SA and play it whenever I need to play an awesome game.



Post deleted?

Sonic Adventure will go down in history as the game that introduced us to this generation of 3D gaming. It is so impressive because this threshold can never be crossed again. Every generetion to follow will only increase the number of polygons that can be displayed on the screen at one time, but the difference will never be as noticeable and as shocking as when Sonic Adventure was unveiled. One of the most memorable games of all time. A timeless classic.



Is the Dreamcast really as good as everyone says it is?

No really I don't have one should I get one?


The Deamcast was better then ps2 and just had a crummy run was jumped the gun and such..and alot of people wanted to make their games for ps2 and Xbox .

Dreamcast had some awesome games on it..great crisp graphics.

Shame it crashed as early as it did..

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


That's when the new systems had DVD playability, which I think killed it at the end. However, it was the first console with internet access.

