Meg Cabot Theory
Okay so I have this theory...
On Meg Cabot's official myspace. She wrote a blog about the rumors that some of her books were going to be turned into movies and then went onto say that they were all false. She said she still had all the rights to her books to be turned into movies for those books mentioned.
Now i think that the reason she hasn't sold them is based on the princess diaries movies. I know she had partial rights to it but the movie was nothing like the book. The second one was like an entirely different story. It only carried the same characters and I think she's afraid that it'll happen again to her and they'll demolish the book's meaning in a sense.
As a writer, I totally see where she would be coming from. Granted i'm no meg cabot or even close but as i am in the process of my first novel. I can relate. When you write a book. You put your soul into it and to see it unfold in an settling way that can bring about insecurities.
I really did love the cast for the Princess Diaries.. I just didn't care for the way they changed the story and I wonder if Meg felt the same and that's why she's a tad hesitant to offer the plotline. Hopefully if she does offer it to movie executives she'll have final word.
There's my theory.. lol